
This paper describes the current situation with respect to gas conservation inSouth East Saskatchewan. Also included is a brief commentary on historicaldevelopment, technology, and economic feasibility. This segment of the gasindustry depends on up to date technology and cost optimization to beeconomically viable.

Current Plants and Facilities

At present South East Saskatchewan is served by five gas plants and associatedgathering facilities. These are described as follows. Refer to Table 1 forba S1C Plant data, and to Figure 1. for location.

1. Steelman Gas Plant

The Steelman Gas Plant is located 50 km north east of Estevan (Fig. 1) and isowned and operated by Dome Petroleum Ltd. The existing Plant was constructed in1981 with a design capacity of 425,000 m3/day (15 MMSCFD) and was expanded in1968 to 366,000 m3/day (20 MMSCFD). Gas is received from approximately 150 oilproduction batteries through a field gathering system which consists of 1100 kmof line and 25 field compressor stations. The plant consists of inletcompression, gas sweetening and a turboexpander plant for recovery of naturalgas liquid (NGL) mix and ethane products. The NGL mix 1S transported bypipeline to the Dome Sarnia Fractionation Plant. The Steelman Plant is alsoconnected by pipeline to the Cochin pipeline at Alameda for ethane Delivery.Residue sales gas is delivered to the Saskatchewan Power Corp. (SPC).

2.Bonanza Gas Plant

The Bonanza Gas Plant is located 60 km north east of Estevan. It is owned andoperated by Cymric Resources Ltd. It was constructed in 1984 with a designcapacity of 127,000 m3/day (4.5 MMSCFD). It receives gas from two batteries, one of them on the Plant lease and one 3 km away. It is a sweet gas plantconsisting of inlet compression and refrigeration. The product NGL mix istrucked to the Dome Steelman Plant and residue sales gas is delivered to SPC.

3.Nottingham Gas Plant

The Nottingham Gas P1ant is located 10 km east. of the town of Alida. It isowned as a joint venture of area oil producers and is operated by D.M. Wolcottand Associates. The existing plant was constructed in 1985 with a designcapacity of 198,000 m3/day (7.0 MMSCFD). Gas is received from 30 oil productionbatteries in the surrounding area of Alida, Queensdale, Hastings, Glen Ewen, Carnduff and Workman. The gathering system consists of some 200 km of gatheringlines and 10 field compressors. The Plane consists of inlet compression, DEAgas sweetening, refrigeration plant and a fractionation plant.. The Plant alsoincludes storage and truck loading for propane, field butane and naturalgasoline.Residue sales gas is delivered to SPC.

4.Tableland Gas Plant

The Tableland Gas plant is located 10 km west of Estevan and is owned andoperated by Home Oil. The Plant was constructed in 1988, with a design capacityof 28,000 m3/day (1 MMSCFD).

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