The explorationist today is faced with the burdening problem of continually reviewing and assimilating new improved techniques and ideasthat he uses in his endeavours. Far too oftenthe explorationist becomes engrossed in his scientific and technical-research and fails to put the necessary effort into portraying his ideas in a well organized-and systematic manner. Many sound and well-thought ideas are not followed through to the ultimate goal of exploring, producing and marketing of petroleum products. In order to overcome this problem it is necessary to carefully plan and organize the material in such a manner that management or clients can interpret and use the ideas that are presented. It is necessary to utilize the most proficientand highly perfected techniques that are known in oral and written communication; by doing this the explorationist will present his ideas in an orderly and effective manner and thus will increase his chances of convincing management to act on his recommendations.


One of the greatest obstacles that explorationists have is overcoming communication barriers. We generally fail to place the necessary emphasis on relating and selling ideas to management and thus many geologically sound ideas are notfollowed through to the ultimate goal of finding oil or gas. Stored in many oil and gas, company files are geological prospects that never were used. In many cases this "dormant" 'state of prospects can be blamed specifically on thegeologist who did the original work on the area-- he failed to communicate efficiently and effectively to his supervisor who in turn may also be at fault in that, he neglected to sell the geologic play.


The-prime purpose and function of an oil company are to explore: for profitable accumulations of hydrocarbons. The responsibility of the exploration departments, namely geological andgeophysical, is to originate new ideas based on sound scientific reasoning. Many of these ideas are not followed through to the end--they are not presented to management on a level at which they can be interpreted and understood, therefore, the prospects remaining the company files. Geologists commonly present facies ratio, and other complex maps here a simplified realistic picture could portray the same ideas in a "language" that management can understand. Many general managers of ccmpanies are landmen, engineers or businessgraduates and although they are capable of making and do make money-making exploration decisions, their education has not equipped them for the study and interpretation of complex geological and geophysical maps and terminology.

One of the most basic problems of an explorationist is to determine first who will read his ideas and what education and position those readers have in the company. This is also true ofthe consultant, independent, or anyone else with whom we intend to communicate. Once we have established the gross qualifications and experience of the receiver of our ideas we areadequately equipped to know what approach is necessary to relate our ideas. Simplication annot be stressed enough--most ideas can be stated in terminology, on maps, and on cross sections by using clear labels which emphasize the most critical ideas.

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