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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 4–7, 2009
Paper Number: OTC-20144-MS
.... Information on the location of where mooring component parted helps assess the consequences of those mooring lines parting, and the site details for the jack-ups help point towards the drivers for their survival. These can then be put into the perspective of other structures of the industry. Semisubmersible...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 3–6, 2004
Paper Number: OTC-16802-MS
... that it provides for well designed structures. While most platforms survived Lili, some were damaged and some failed. It takes all three of these results to adequately test a design code. The last similar opportunity was Hurricane Andrew in 1992. At that time, a Joint Industry Project (JIP) was initiated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 1996
Paper Number: OTC-8077-MS
... created by a hurricane of Andrew's magnitude. probability procedure strength analytical prediction guideline pmb engineering inc bias factor final report hurricane andrew likelihood function calibration survival foundation information failure mode platform upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 1994
Paper Number: OTC-7473-MS
... not adversely affected by Andrew, several sustained significant damage and in some cases collapsed. Since platforms were observed to survive as well as fail during the storm, there was a unique opportunity to determine if the present wave force and ultimate capacity procedures could have predicted...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 1977
Paper Number: OTC-3028-MS
... here that this pitfall may be avoided in an analysis based on the reliability function. freudenthal artificial intelligence application safety factor reliability function coefficient proc resistance survival reliability schueller subsea system conf strength probability failure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 1976
Paper Number: OTC-2557-MS
... casualty functional requirement raft evaluation upstream oil & gas us government coast guard drilling equipment engineer requirement survival abandonment criteria vessel casualty regulation group equipment washington casualty data marine transportation effectiveness...

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