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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 2019
Paper Number: OTC-29236-MS
... soil resistance–displacement relationship for input to fatigue analysis. spring-dashpot method offshore well displacement stiffness soil response framework soil spring diameter fatigue assessment conductor frequency fatigue analysis upstream oil & gas apparatus spring-only method...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 2017
Paper Number: OTC-27627-MS
... in development of a simplified approach involving the nonlinear soil springs. Fatigue analyses indicated that this simplified approach can predict fatigue damage as measured in the SCR centrifuge tests. Centrifuge tests were also performed to determine the impact of trench depth on SCR fatigue. The tests...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 2017
Paper Number: OTC-27696-MS
... to contribute to the standardization of the seismic design procedure for subsea structures. The paper selected a typical subsea valve skid with a mudmat foundation for the seismic response spectrum analysis. Upper and lower bound values of soil springs were included to capture the response in relation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 2014
Paper Number: OTC-25186-MS
... earthquake motion midstream oil & gas acceleration time history time history submarine slope seismic wave propagation displacement interaction horizontal displacement soil spring earthquake loading strain-softening spring artificial intelligence offshore pipeline earthquake...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 7–10, 1990
Paper Number: OTC-6491-MS
...-on-Winkler foundation method approximates the soil reaction, which is continuous with depth, by a series of isolated soil springs, and the method neglects the interaction between such soil springs. Due to this simplification the method is efficient. The method, however, has been shown to yield reliable pile...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 27–30, 1987
Paper Number: OTC-5394-MS
... model was developed from a study of the predi cted pi 1e group behavi our which was based on the classical p-y, T-Z, Q-Z and Mindlin interaction procedures. The lateral (p-y) and axial (T-Z) and (Q-Z) non linear soil springs assume Winkler soil layer modell ing and are customarily developed to model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 2, 1972
Paper Number: OTC-1695-MS
... pile diameter us government diameter 3-inch pile engineer soil spring vibration interaction soil modulus soil parameter dynamic response magnitude reservoir characterization lateral response displacement ross dynamic lateral response stiff clay pile response model pile...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 17–20, 1969
Paper Number: OTC-1054-MS
... adequately represents the lateral stiffness of the soil. The soil springs are spaced sufficiently close to represent the continuous support of the surrounding soil. The properties of the inelastic springs are determined from non-linear curves which represent the force deflection properties of the soil...

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