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Keywords: side scan sonar
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 2016
Paper Number: OTC-27155-MS
... at several hundred meters water depth while collecting data from Multibeam echo sunders, laser bathymetry, still photos, photogrammetry, Side Scan Sonar’s and Sub Bottom Profilers. The Underwater Navigation results are greatly improved by the use of inverted USBL, DVLs and INS systems. The vehicle is very...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 2012
Paper Number: OTC-23234-MS
... the mound features and chimney-structures associated with SMS formation. Deep-tow side scan sonar systems have also been utilised in past exploration programmes to provide textural information useful in mapping the seafloor geology, and are able to provide data at resolutions better than that of vessel...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 2011
Paper Number: OTC-21515-MS
... and/or investigated using C & C s AUVs. Several of those surveys resulted in new discoveries and at least, thirteen of the wrecks have been confirmed to be historic vessels. The initial primary geophysical instrument payload of the HUGIN model AUV consisted of dual frequency side scan sonar, subbottom profiler...
Proceedings Papers
Michael Taylor, Jonathan Peter Davis, Richard Douglas Lynch, Tom Philips, Richard D. Beck, Mark K. Burhke, Wojciech Tomaszkiewicz, Richard Simpson, Ron Butcher, Graham Openshaw
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 2008
Paper Number: OTC-19650-MS
... vessel cross section profile view operation sensor platform swath water column offshore technology conference side scan sonar rov otc 19650 scan sonar OTC 19650 Imaging Downed Platforms Richard D. Beck, Jonathan P. Davis, Richard Lynch, Tom Philips, Mike Taylor, BP; Graham Openshaw, PanGeo...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 2008
Paper Number: OTC-19352-MS
... to the nature of the fluid flow, and potentially the associated carbonates and fauna, we then require acoustic data with relevant signal processing, including side scan sonar, swathe bathymetry backscattering, and 3D seismic attributes. This paper will review briefly why carbonates may occur within some...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 2007
Paper Number: OTC-18556-MS
...., fax 01-972-952-9435. Abstract An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) geophysical sur- vey that acquired detailed bathymetry, side scan sonar, and sub-bottom acoustic profiling was used to identify potential hydrocarbon seep features in Green Canyon Block 607 and 608, west of the Marco Polo field...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 2005
Paper Number: OTC-17716-MS
... of seafloor features including large high-angle fault scarps (up to 100-feet in relief), a mud volcano (250-feet in relief), two mud vents, multiple mound-like structures, hard grounds, and mudflows. Multibeam bathymetry, side scan sonar, and sub-bottom profiles were collected across the site at a 200-meter...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 2000
Paper Number: OTC-12071-MS
... required for seismic risk analysis. In order to achieve these objectives, a high-resolution multibeam echosounder, side scan sonar and Chirp sub-bottom profiler was mounted on an ROV to reduce the water column height between the sensors and the seabed. This resulted in increased data accuracy...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 7–10, 1990
Paper Number: OTC-6302-MS
... of the survev was to complete a Seafloor Hazards Analysis of all objects that may impact draq- fishinq nets and equipment. Search, location and identification of the anomalous obiects was completed usinq a Side Scan Sonar. Marine Maqnetometer and a Remotely Operated Vehicle. The State Lands Commission intends...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 1985
Paper Number: OTC-4967-MS
... subbottom profiler sediment side scan sonar tape recording information yellow sea upstream oil & gas geohazard science 1 profiler frequency institute penetration cruise otc 4967 reservoir characterization playback resolution oceanology OTC 4967 Geohazard Surveying in the Yellow Sea...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 7–9, 1984
Paper Number: OTC-4718-MS
... ABSTRACT This paper describes several new developments in the evolution of side scan sonar sea bed mapping systems. A new advanced microprocessor-controlled tuning improves record quality. New deep tow vehicles allow for relatively high speed medium depth towing or low speed full ocean depth...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 1983
Paper Number: OTC-4584-MS
... ABSTRACT Echo sounding, side scan sonar and seismic profi1ing records have shown that the continental shelf of the Canadian Beaufort Sea has been subjected to extensive scouring by ice features. The scouring phenomena is extremely important in the design and protection of offshore well s...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 3–6, 1982
Paper Number: OTC-4224-MS
.... Techniques for the inspection of the submerged portions of structures by side scan sonar have been developed, field tested, and utilized in the arctic. Side scan records of sand bag slope protection and other shore protection structures have been obtained. Real-time side scan records were reviewed...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1980
Paper Number: OTC-3681-MS
... ABSTRACT The conventional presentation of the data from a side scan sonar suffers from several types of distortion. Until these distortions are removed, sonar images from two or more overlapping passes through an area can not be combined to form a "mosaic." The major distortions arise from...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 1977
Paper Number: OTC-2946-MS
... ABSTRACT Echo sounding, side scan sonar and seismic profile records in the Canadian Beaufort Sea provide evidence of trenches or "scours" on the continental shelf sea bottom. These are generally believed to be caused due to grounding of ice masses. Records obtained over a three year period...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 4–7, 1975
Paper Number: OTC-2239-MS
... conditions in fron- tier areas of proposed OCS oil and gas lease investigation. Survey equipment will include dual side scan sonar, CCTV tied to video tape, proton magnetometer and a high resolutio~ sub-bottom profiler. The 6000 meter sur- veillance system will be capable of real time measurement of deep...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 4–7, 1975
Paper Number: OTC-2220-MS
.... ABSTRACT How does the side scan sonar provide this picture of the ocean bottom? Think of it as a camera system which uses sound instead of light rays to create a picture line by line on a INTRODUCTION The side scan is used for site surveys, in- engineering, and its use is world wide. Specific spection...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 28–May 1, 1973
Paper Number: OTC-1853-MS
... side scan' sonar. All of these are readily available through most offshore survey contractors. Methods and techniques are developed enabling any offshore pipeline operator to conduct such a survey. The actual survey, conducted during the summer of 1972, substantiates the belief that such surveys...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Offshore Technology Conference
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 28–May 1, 1973
Paper Number: OTC-1837-MS
... of the d rill pipe. A special side scan sonar in the search pod located at the end of the drill string, is used to sweep a search path of l, 200 feet to each side. A forward scan sonar provides information on any obstacle interference ahead and information required tg close on targets located by the side...