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Keywords: oil discovery
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 2018
Paper Number: OTC-29006-MS
... curve carbonate reservoir exploration activity oil discovery ring fence petrobras oil accumulation brazil jubarte field Sant'Anna , M. V. , Machado Jr. , D. L. , Viviani , V. , Metelo , C. , Pontes , C. E. , Barros , A. Z. N. , Selbach , H. S. , Bassetto...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 7–10, 1990
Paper Number: OTC-6271-MS
... land administration oil discovery endowment mackenzie delta beaufort sea region richard island structural geology discovery reservoir sandstone licence sandstone tcf sequence onshore island peninsula upstream oil & gas offshore gas discovery reservoir characterization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 1977
Paper Number: OTC-2730-MS
... fault block shale discovery well reservoir characterization oil occurrence discovery upstream oil & gas northern north sea drilling central graben platform water depth oil discovery sandstone stratigraphy structural geology significant discovery tilted fault block graben...

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