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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 1989
Paper Number: OTC-5985-MS
... of crack-like flaws. It is the influence of the proximity of another flaw on the effective value of the stress intensity factor operating at a crack which will modify the way in which it grows. The problem of flaw interaction is dealt with specifically by two of the currently used assessment codes which...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 1988
Paper Number: OTC-5664-MS
... the normalised number of cycles to failure N/Nf and as the aspect ratio a/c versus the normalised crack depth a/af. The crack growth rate through the thickness da/dN is also determined and the stress intensity factor for the tubular joints inferred from known and accepted crack growth laws. Knowledge of crack...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 27–30, 1987
Paper Number: OTC-5557-MS
.... For fatigue analyses, the fully mixed mode stress intensity factors of weld toe surface flaws of the K-joint, which were calcu- lated through detailed three-dimensional finite element analyses, were used for fatigue crack growth simulation. For the failure analyses, the failure assessment diagram method...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1986
Paper Number: OTC-5136-MS
... flaw flaw geometry upstream oil & gas weld toe surface flaw flaw depth stress intensity factor geometry crack length fatigue crack growth analysis tubular joint intensity factor stress intensity factor solution magnification factor surface flaw expression stress distribution...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1986
Paper Number: OTC-5308-MS
... the brace to the chord in between the two stiffeners. The effect of a shallow weld toe crack (at the saddle point) has been studied for both stiffened and unstiffened joints. Crack-tip stress intensity factors are obtained from analysis. Fatigue lives of stiffened and unstiffened joints are estimated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1986
Paper Number: OTC-5111-MS
... for the stress intensity factors. For these analyses, only a single finite element mesh without a flaw was used to demonstrate the efficiency of the finite element alternating method in generating a large amount of stress intensity factor solutions of surface flaws. Using these solutions, the fatigue crack...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1986
Paper Number: OTC-5352-MS
... to handle fatigue problems. The fatigue crack growth can be calculated using relations giving the fatigue crack propagation rate as a function of the stress intensity" factor range. A variety of these relations are" given in literature. The relation given by Paris is the most elementary one and can in most...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 1985
Paper Number: OTC-4998-MS
... hydraulic fracturing geometric discontinuity pure shell element model evaluation chord saddle point intensity factor surface flaw finite element upstream oil & gas geometry element model otc 4998 stress distribution intersection stress state stress intensity factor tubular...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 7–9, 1984
Paper Number: OTC-4771-MS
... prediction materials and corrosion fatigue life fracture mechanics equation loading tubular joint intensity factor surface crack agreement flowline corrosion corrosion fatigue crack growth thickness hydraulic fracturing artificial intelligence fatigue crack growth lives crack...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1980
Paper Number: OTC-3701-MS
... the rates of propagation recorded, in as-welded joints, are for a given level of stress intensity factor, much slower than in the parent material. A second series of tests was worked out to approach the effective geometry of tubular joints. This is the L-S cut-out direction, as shown on figure 2b...

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