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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 2017
Paper Number: OTC-27835-MS
... Abstract Shell's Stones field is located below the Sigsbee escarpment on the continental rise in the Walker Ridge area of the Gulf of Mexico, in a water depth of approximately 9,500-ft. The seafloor is irregular due to the presence of furrows, which have been eroded by bottom currents...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 3–6, 2010
Paper Number: OTC-20753-MS
... Abstract This paper presents near-bottom current profile measurements in furrows located east of the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Cascade-Chinook field development flowline route from the facilites to the Chinook manifold in the Walker Ridge region of the Gulf of Mexico in water depths greater...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 2001
Paper Number: OTC-12991-MS
...) a region of large, long furrows eroded into the Holocene deposits blanketing this region. Since than these furrows have been observed to extend from near 90°W, east of Green Knoll, to 92°W along the lower slope/rise at the offshore base of the Sigsbee Escarp- ment. These furrows have depths of 5 to 10 m...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 2001
Paper Number: OTC-12961-MS
... furrows, a previously unknown Gulf of Mexico sea floor feature. Preliminary investigations show that the erosive style of the furrows change in a predictable pattern in conjunction with an increase in current flow velocities. The erosional features of the furrow field indicate the presence of strong ocean...

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