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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 2017
Paper Number: OTC-27598-MS
.... Unfortunately, only a few stations are equipped to provide good-quality near surface current data. This study assesses the validity and limitations of some simplistic current profile extrapolation algorithms, including approximation of the near surface current by "slab" flow and profile extrapolation algorithms...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 3–6, 2010
Paper Number: OTC-20732-MS
... speed wave height storm track extrapolation OTC 20732 Extreme Hurricane Design Criteria for LNG Developments: Experience Using a Long Synthetic Database J.D. McConochie, Woodside Energy Ltd; S.A. Stroud, Woodside Energy Ltd; L.B. Mason, Marine Modelling Unit, Australian Maritime College Copyright...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 3–6, 2010
Paper Number: OTC-21001-MS
... OTC 21001 Load Extrapolation Methods for Offshore Wind Turbines Puneet Agarwal, Stress Engineering Services, Houston; and Lance Manuel, University of Texas at Austin Copyright 2010, Offshore Technology Conference This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2010 Offshore Technology Conference...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 2007
Paper Number: OTC-18772-MS
... dissipation time factor basin mbsf upstream oil & gas well logging iodp expedition 308 pore pressure deployment expedition 308 dvtpp reservoir characterization extrapolation sediment ursa basin otc 18772 penetrometer structural geology shaft in-situ pressure log analysis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 2002
Paper Number: OTC-14075-MS
... conference reflection extrapolation reflector migration amplitude datum upstream oil & gas otc 14075 time processing norway wavefield reservoir characterization Copyright 2002, Offshore Technology Conference This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2002 Offshore Technology...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 2002
Paper Number: OTC-14077-MS
... will propose a method to reduce the effect of spatial aliasing. It does this by first applying a linear transformation to the wave equation. This transformation reduces dips in the data, but does not involve approximations, nor does it change the form of the equation. Wave extrapolation is then performed using...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 3–6, 1999
Paper Number: OTC-10930-MS
... to the water free surface. By this approach, the water velocities have an unrealistic exponential amplification within the wave-crest zone. A moderate approach is the linear extrapolation of the water velocity profde from the mean water level to the water free surface or, even further, assuming uniform...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 1996
Paper Number: OTC-8080-MS
... upstream oil & gas offshore installation loading mode strain gauge sncf reduction extrapolation grout effective thickness determination otc 8080 guidance thickness specimen @. l OTC 8080 New Data on the Fatigue and Ultimate Limit State of Grouted Tubular Joints D.J. Morahan, MSL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 1994
Paper Number: OTC-7421-MS
... wave kinematics under irregular larger waves. Near the crest top and under the waves: trough, this method does better than the Wheeler method. Wheeler stretching 3 Linear extrapolation (Modified Airy extrapolation) (4) A new prowdure suggested by DoneIan et al. Gudmestad stretching] is based on ideas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 4–7, 1992
Paper Number: OTC-6825-MS
... shows one of the atomic method of downward continuation [4], in which the recorded units of work in considerably more detail. We can now see wavefield is lowered to ever-deeper recording planes by wave- all of the inputs and outputs that can potentially occur as field extrapolation. The depth step...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 1991
Paper Number: OTC-6522-MS
... as Wheeler stretching, 1 inear and vertical extrapol ation are investigated to evaluate their application for predicting wave kinematics. The measured horizontal velocity of regular and dual component waves, which conceptual 1 y represent a very narrow and broad bandwidth wave train respective1 y, is found...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 1989
Paper Number: OTC-5958-MS
... extrapolation flexure point flexure point cutoff undiscovered petroleum resource base presto otc 5958 inventory field size upstream oil & gas prospect recoverable undiscovered petroleum resource base presto field accumulation probability asset and portfolio management new...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 1989
Paper Number: OTC-6160-MS
... axial southern platform brace 4 brace scf node extrapolation toe location weld toe OTC 6160 Stress-Concentration Factor Analysis of Large-Diameter Stiffened Nodes by W.F. Krieger and D.M. Mangin, Chevron Corp., and 8.8. Gholkar, Chevron Petroleum U.K. Ltd. Copyright 1989, Offshore Technology...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 1988
Paper Number: OTC-5666-MS
... specimen reliability perpendicular casing and cementing upstream oil & gas casing design weld toe configuration loading estimation prediction brace scf extrapolation fatigue design equation ueg equation gauge stress concentration factor wordsworth principal stress...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1986
Paper Number: OTC-5097-MS
... significant errors in predicted kinematics are re- duced. "Stretching" and "extrapolation" provide a lower and upper bound respectively for water velocities. The "delta-stretching" model, presented here, interpolates be- tween these two methods and reduces the error. The model is simple to program, but does...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1986
Paper Number: OTC-5140-MS
... for the worst storms during the three year period. The extrapolated 50 year value of base shear was found to be 25% lower than the value found by assuming that 50 year values of wind, waves, and currents act on the same pile simultaneously. Or expressed in a different way: The base shear computed by combining...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 5–8, 1986
Paper Number: OTC-5306-MS
... FATIGUE LIFE ESTIMATION OF TUBULAR JOINTS OTe 5306 Linear extrapolation of maximum principal stresses. The strain gauges are located at positions defined in Reference 5 (ECSC definition) . Curvi-linear extrapolation of maximum principal stresses. CUrvi-linear extrapolation of maximum prinicipal strains...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 1979
Paper Number: OTC-3658-MS
... similarity reflection coefficient procedure extrapolation well log sequence seismic data centerwell amplitude frequency content seismic response lateral change alignment seismicdata seismic trace extrapolate well log resolution reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 1976
Paper Number: OTC-2469-MS
... anchor deflection failure surface reservoir characterization linearly investigation upstream oil & gas extrapolation diameter OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE 6200 North Central Expressway Dallas, Texas 75206 PAPER NUMBER aTe 2469 Pu I lout Characteristics of A Suction Anchor In Sand By S. C...

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