Today's intricate completions pose various difficulties for pipe cutting. Deploying of this mechanical cutting technique has revealed substantial improvements over earlier techniques. It has an extensive view range for a selection of metal pipes, it is non-ballistic, and offers cut monitoring and successful recognition. The mechanical cutter tool's electronics also allows to specify the type of metal to be cut, keep a record of the cut's depth, and sense drag, thereby performing the needed adjustments to finalize a cut. Under the most tough circumstances, mechanical cutter can cut a broad range of tubular, including that of the majority of weights, grades, and alloys. The Mumbai Offshore area saw the tool's deployment. Brownfield operations like side-tracks and work-overs are vital to sustaining oil production.

Due to low/depleted pressure reservoirs and relatively old completions, vintage completion recovery prior to work-over or sidetracking the wells has always been challenging. In wells, explosive cutters are commonly deployed to cut the completion at predetermined depths. However, it becomes perilous to utilise these explosives in the circumstance of wells with substantial or complete losses as the use of explosives can induce the logging equipment to recoil and trigger problems.

Charged annulus pressure differences can further complicate the circumstance and culminate in wireline getting coiled or bird cage scenarios which can manifest significant rig downtime. Numerous pills are generally given before such jobs to lessen fluid losses, consuming away crucial rig time. In these circumstances, the explosive cutter operations are accomplished while the well is concurrently being filled, thus helping to keep the shooting wireline assembly submerged in fluid and maintain a safe pressure differential. In addition to the aforementioned scenario, straight pulls may trigger the completion string to break from an unanticipated depth, culminating in non-productive rig days.

Due to marine life and explosive regulations, explosive cutters are also prohibited when the firing depth is shallow in the offshore region. The mechanical pipe cutter overcomes most of the challenges encountered in the brown field. The technique negates the necessity of explosives, rendering it feasible to cut the tubing, especially in total loss instances and at shallower depths. The hazards inherent with the explosives and overall intervention costs are minimized as a result. Additionally, the clean-cut cuts down on fish dressing time. Cutting penetration is continuously monitored and regulated from the surface while operating, guaranteeing successful operation and minimizing the necessity of unnecessary trips out of the hole. The technique can perform consecutive cuts in a single trip, saving time and money on the rig. It can be swiftly deployed to offshore or distant areas because it is conveniently transportable.

Developing sustainable solutions based on technology decreases the demand for explosives. The novelty in this paper is to use the technique of mechanical pipe cutting in the wellsite operations that can also support the long-term integrity of avoiding explosives in an eco-friendly and cost-effective way.

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