Description of the Proposed Paper

An AUV survey was conducted by C & C Technologies, Inc. of a wedge-shaped uplifted and faulted region in Blocks 562, 563, 606, and 607 of Green Canyon Area in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

The downthrown block of the regional fault boasts a variety of seafloor features including large high-angle fault scarps (up to 100-feet in relief), a mud volcano (250-feet in relief), two mud vents, multiple mound-like structures, hard grounds, and mudflows. Multibeam bathymetry, side scan sonar, and sub-bottom profiles were collected across the site at a 200-meter line spacing interval and an altitude of the 40 meters.

Significance of Subject Matter/Lessons Learned

This talk will highlight the seafloor topography and features using the Simrad EM-2000 200 kHz multi-beam bathymetry data and Edgetech 120 kHz mosiaced side scan sonar imagery. The side scan sonar mosaic imagery of the area will be draped over the bathymetry and displayed using FledermausTM 3D visualization software.

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