Severa1 recent industry acci dents have increased scrutiny of safety in our industry by the public and regulatory community. The responsibility for improving the safety aspects of offshore operations 'is shared by everyone (operators, contractors, and regulators) who works in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Improved communication of safety issues and i nteracti on between operators and contractors are essential to help the overall safety performance of the industry. Compani es wh i ch place proper emphasis on safety can achieve substanti a1 benefits through a more motivated workforce and improved work opportunities. Shell Offshore Inc. 's (SOl) safety management program has evolved over the years with significant changes to the methods utilized, management of the process, and the resu1ts obta i ned. The components of the program will be discussed in this paper.


The Mineral Management Service (MMS) proposed in the Federal Register (see Reference 1) the concept of a Safety and Environmental Management Program (SEMP). During 1991, SOl performed a comprehensive review of its safety and environmental management programs. The findings of the SOl revi'ew were compared to the SEMP requirements issued by the MMS.

This concept would require Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) operators to develop, maintain and implement a safety and environmental management program (SEMP). Conceptually, the SEMP plan would describe the operator's policies and procedures which assure safety and environmental protection while conducting OCS operations. The program would also require development and implementation of an internal review and control system.

The MMS recognized that many operators already have a safety management control program in place that essentially fulfills the requirements that such a regulation would impose. Through the Federal Register Notice, the MMS sought to determine the degree to which such programs exist and to draw upon that experience in establishing the requirements for a management control program.

The MMS proposed SEMP concept identifies the following ten components of a complete plan:

  1. Management Safety Policy

  2. Organizational Structure

  3. Policies and Procedures

  4. Training Program

  5. Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Program

  6. Corrective Action

  7. Accident Prevention and Investigation Program

  8. Internal Review

  9. Procurement

  10. Documentation

Each of these components wi 11 be discussed in detail in this paper. Examples of SOl's major programs and the key procedures and documents will also be discussed.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is also developing a Recommended Practice (RP) which will identify and address the components of a safety management program for offshore operations. API's approach is to develop and promote a performance-oriented SEMP through awareness and planning. A task force of experienced industry personnel has been working wi th the MMS to deve 1op the RP. There are a number of other exi sti ng industry Recommended Practices and Specifications that also address several of the areas covered by the SEMP concept.

The use, selection, and training of contractors will be a major issue over the next several years.

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