In the global effort to reach near-term reductions in Green-House Gas (GHG) emissions, all Energy Companies have set an integrated strategy for a low-carbon future. The decarbonization target makes evident the need to also quantify the carbon footprint of well construction activities.

The major direct emission source in Drilling and Completion (D&C) is represented by the fuel burnt by diesel generators at rig site to feed tools, machinery, and auxiliary systems. Therefore, data related to fuel consumption are fundamental to have a clear understanding of rig carbon footprint. In this framework, a dedicated GHG module was introduced within an existing real-time advanced analytic tool to unlock the possibility to track and map the CO2 equivalent emissions associated to the fuel consumption of Eni's rigs.

This tool has been designed to collect and analyze the different data sources available at the rig site, typically sensor data, recorded at high frequency (1-5 sec), and reporting data, recorded at low frequency (1-2 hrs). The data are combined, with a specific algorithm, to automatically identify the activity ongoing and its related emissions. After that, data are gathered and consolidated to make them available in headquarters in near real-time. Furthermore, the tool was also applied to a case study by comparing its outcomes with the data directly provided by a rig contractor, showing a good level of reliability and consistency. The capability to monitor GHG emissions during D&C activities allows a better understanding of their related impact. It provides useful insights to implement corrective action and tackle them promptly. Finally, operation monitoring is directly linked with its related GHG emissions allowing new types of analysis and considerations.

This integrated tool, able to recognize the most carbon-demanding activities, optimizes the process of targeting suitable solutions for GHG abatements during the well construction process. Having CO2 emissions reduction become crucial, this approach will certainly be the backbone of the transformation that Oil & Gas sector will have to undergo to reach its carbon neutrality commitments.

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