Suction embedded plate anchors (SEPLAs) are an economic solution for the mooring system of a floating production platform and have been deployed both in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) and around the globe with excellent field performance records. The design of SEPLAs has gradually matured over the past two decades for conventional SEPLAs, but debates continue both in the industry and academia, e.g., on the function of the flap and the required keying. These design aspects become more critical for permanent mooring systems in the GoM where the anchors have to resist large mooring tensions from hurricanes, and balancing safety and economy is a challenge. Thus, the objective of this paper is to present design considerations for large-size SEPLAs for permanent mooring systems in the GoM. The design considerations in this paper include the embedment loss, the functions of the flap and keying, cyclic loading, sustained loading, keying disturbance, and out-of-plane loading. Recommendations are provided to advance the design of large-size SEPLAs, and more specific guidance is offered relative to the ambiguous requirements currently in the industry guidelines.

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