
This paper describes a new approach to the design and delivery of well control training. The modifications and improvements largely address IOGP and industry guidelines. Conventional and newly-required well control training subjects are addressed by applying Andragogy, adult-learning theory. The flipped classroom is described.

Methods, Procedures, Process

The new generation of drillers and learners expect new learning dynamics and methods, including collaboration with social groups, cloud based material and non-connective based training that is interactive. Students today are changing the way people of this new generation learn. This course material and delivery addresses these learning protocols.

The course was developed around adult learning theories and assurance concepts.

Results, Observations, Conclusions

A Human Factors approach was used todevelop the course. This approach identified the critical technical components needed in a well control event, determined what a supervisor needs to do in a crisis and how they work together in a team. Key leadership elements are assessed. Well control event scenarios are used in the course. The course was designed using a Know – Assess – Decide – Act methodology. Students are led to understand how initial information, unfolding events and how the results of their actions affect the potential success of controlling the well after an influx.

Novel/Additive Information

Andragogy, learning styles and methods and a flipped classroom are used in the course. The course design does away with the typical pedagogical learning used today and replaces it with adult learning theory. The improvement outcome for this redesigned well control training program is to give confidence that the right decisions will be made at the right time. This assurance is critical for the students, their employers, accreditation institutions and government bodies.

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