- Description

Operating in the ultra deep-water environment at Perdido (7800-9200 ft) makes Surveillance readiness essential on this complex, technologically challenging asset. Early work on integrated production system modeling, an operations training simulator, ESP surveillance tools, collaborative work environments, remote accessibility, and real time interactive process data trending have enabled an accelerated learning pace for Perdido. This paper will communicate the efforts required to successfully meet this ultra deepwater challenge during the early field development and startup. This work has been completed by Shell on behalf of the Perdido joint venture partners Chevron & BP.

- Application

Surveillance & Operational technologies developed for this deepwater environment will allow for the smooth startup of the Perdido Field and for the collection of critical reservoir data needed for further field development. This technology can be applied to other deepwater fields to optimize field startup while gathering critical early surveillance data and minimizing the number of personnel required on location.

A process simulator was used to simulate field operations and to interface with the actual control system. It synthesized realistic responses to Operator inputs for training & scenario trouble shooting purposes.

- Results, Observations and Conclusions

  • Due to the Operational challenges at Perdido, staffing for an Operational Readiness team was started 4 years prior to first oil. This team has grown over the years and was fully staffed around 6 months before startup. Their job was to develop the operating procedures & manuals for Perdido, and then train the team how to start up & operate the field.

  • Similarly, staffing for the Engineering Surveillance team began 24 months before first oil and was completed 12 months before startup. The team's job was to build the systems, procedures, & collaborative processes that would be required for a smooth startup & surveillance of Perdido.

  • All these technologies & detailed planning should result in the smooth & flawless startup of Shell's first Spar platform in the ultra deepwater.

- Significance of Subject Matter

Ensuring that Operations personnel are properly trained to operate the field is imperative for a smooth startup of Perdido. In addition, proper preplanning & training will be critical for startup & ramp up of the Perdido field.

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