
Leadership; inspiring others to do the right things for the right reasons and collectively achieving greatness! We recognize it in certain elected officials, within our religious institutions, and within our own family units. In businesses without strong leadership, financial success is hardly obtainable much less sustainable. What constitutes leadership within the energy sector? What qualities and attributes will be required of the leaders of tomorrow? This panel session includes a diverse cross section of our industry's leaders discussing the challenges and the strategies necessary to create a sustainable future.

Session Chair - Art J. Schroeder Jr., CEO Energy Valley, Inc. (available in fullpaper)

Art Schroeder is CEO of Energy Valley, Inc., (www.EnergyValley.net) a company that provides money, marketing and management to advance energy related technologies. For over 20 years he has been responsible for operations, engineering, construction, environmental, health & safety, and crisis management within the petroleum sector. Through his career he has served on a number of industry and civic boards and published numerous technical papers.

Art was graduated from Ga. Tech with both a B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Environmental Engineering, and from the University of Houston with an MBA, major in Finance and International Business. He recently completed a one-year graduate level certificate program at University of Houston in eBusiness Management

Session Co-chair Melanie A. Kenderdine; Vice President; Gas Technology Institute (available in fullpaper)

Melanie Kenderdine joined GTI in March 2001 as the Vice President of GTI's Washington Operations Office. At GTI, Ms. Kenderdine is involved in major initiatives to increase domestic natural gas supplies, to enhance energy efficiency, and to promote the research needs of the natural gas industry.

Prior to joining GTI, from 1993 to 2001, Kenderdine served in several key posts at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Her last position at DOE was Director of the Office of Policy, the policy development arm of the agency. She was a key advisor to the Secretary on a variety of issues, including: negotiations with oil-producing nations to increase oil production; international initiatives to improve the quality of oil data; efforts to rationalize EPA rules on gasoline, diesel and MTBE; the California electric power crisis; establishment of a home heating oil reserve for the Northeastern UnitedStates; the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; the privatization of Elk Hills Petroleum Reserve and the transfer of the Naval Oil Shale Reserve to the Ute Indian Tribe; and White House initiatives to enhance domestic oil and gas production. Kenderdine was also the Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of DOE for oil, gas, coal and nuclear issues, and was the primary architect of: R&D initiatives for ultra-clean fuels and energy grid reliability; the Strategic Petroleum Reserve royalty-in-kind initiative; and creation of the National Energy Technology Laboratory, including a Strategic Center for Natural Gas Studies. Kenderdine also managed the DOE response to the Japan nuclear accident in 1999.

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