The regulatory framework for oil & gas installations offshore in Brazil has been available since 2007. The regulation is known as SGSO (short name for management system of operational safety), Resolution ANP 43/2007, and is part of the Brazilian Oil & Gas Regulator ANP framework. It is composed of 17 management practices, all of them enforced during audits. However, the level of enforcement of each of those practices have changed through time. This is evidenced by the analysis on data regarding non-conformities written by the auditors, e.g from focus on mechanical integrity in the first few years, to risk analysis implementation on the next years. Now, that the human factors management practice enforcement has increased, it is pushing the local market to discuss the causes and find new solutions - which sometimes do not reflect the best available practices and the regulator expectations.

This paper intends to show the data trends and explain through those results the indicator made available to the regulators to intensify the human factors efforts, and how this seems to follow a global trend.

This paper discusses the results regarding how Brazil offshore installations are in conformance within the good practices recommended by the international association of oil & gas producers (IOGP). The paper also points for the challenges and indicates the ongoing efforts made by regulators and operators.

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