Offshore facilities typically use compressed air to operate their instrumentation, control valves, and auxiliary services, mainly in classified areas. Depending on the characteristics of the offshore facility, compressed air can even participate in the industrial process. To meet this demand for compressed air, offshore facilities use a specific system to generate the required compressed air reliably. Generally, the systems that generate compressed air are made up of motorized air compressors, filters, air dryers, and tanks for storage. Considering an FPSO (Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading), the compressed air system supplies air to the plant and ship for instrumentation and service, and several other moto compressors feed air accumulators to start up diesel motors mainly for emergency electric generators and firefighting pumps. This paper presents a proposal for FPSOs using compressed air in a gas turbine to feed all the systems that require compressed air. This feed is carried out through the bleeding part of the compressed air in the gas turbine compressor before it enters the combustor of the gas turbine to supply the compressed air systems. The supply is made through piping, valves, and heat exchangers designed to connect the gas turbine compressor to the FPSO air compressor systems. Besides increasing the compressed air system efficiency and reliability, a reduction in moto compressors is also expected.