Some deepwater Offshore reservoir contain fluids with high Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) and CO2 content, presenting also a high productivity index (PI) like the ones found in Brazilian Presalt area. All these leads to large production facilities with complex gas processing section, thus constraining the oil processing and storage capacities. In these scenarios, the application of the HISEPTM, a high pressure, dense phase separation technology patented by PETROBRAS enhances production by promptly enabling the separation and reinjection of a major fraction of this CO2-rich associated gas on the seabed as a dense fluid, hence reducing the need for large gas processing plant in the topside, which in turn extends the oil production plateau and accelerates the production.
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Offshore Technology Conference Brasil
October 29–31, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
HISEP: A Game Changer to Boost the Oil Production of High GOR and High CO2 Content Reservoirs
Fabio Menezes Passarelli;
Fabio Menezes Passarelli
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Denise Adelina Guimaraes Moura;
Denise Adelina Guimaraes Moura
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Antônio Marcos Fonseca Bidart;
Antônio Marcos Fonseca Bidart
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Juliana Pereira Silva;
Juliana Pereira Silva
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Alexandre Jaime Mello Vieira;
Alexandre Jaime Mello Vieira
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Luis Felipe Alves Frutuoso
Luis Felipe Alves Frutuoso
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Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2019.
Paper Number:
October 28 2019
Menezes Passarelli, Fabio, Adelina Guimaraes Moura, Denise, Marcos Fonseca Bidart, Antônio, Pereira Silva, Juliana, Mello Vieira, Alexandre Jaime, and Luis Felipe Alves Frutuoso. "HISEP: A Game Changer to Boost the Oil Production of High GOR and High CO2 Content Reservoirs." Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2019. doi:
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