This paper discusses the increasing importance of intelligent completion technology in presalt developments. The Brazilian oil and gas service industry was challenged when a major oil company decided to implement large-scale intelligent completion technology for exploratory and development campaigns for two important exploration blocks, due to the limited experience and expertise in this region. The technology is considered important for reservoir risk management because of its flexibility. An intelligent completion provides a means to remotely control inflow as necessary by a reservoir management team. This additional functionality maximizes oil production and reduces unwanted water or gas influx. The technology comprises several important multizone systems, such as remotely operated flow control valves, permanent pressure and temperature monitoring, digital infrastructure, and chemical injection valves.
With limited experience and infrastructure available in the region at the time, considerable planning and interface management was necessary to ensure successful execution. The deep water presalt application imposed several challenges and uncertainties related to long-term reliability and flow assurance, such as calcium carbonate scaling, vibration, erosion, corrosion, etc. Additionally, human resources and local technical expertise along with a strong infrastructure had to be developed. Within approximately five years, the industry effort to reduce the learning curve made it possible to deliver intelligent completion technology with a proven track record into the country.
During these intensive preparation years, several key findings were realized. Standardization became important early during the process, which was crucial for accelerating learning. However, as the understanding of the technology evolved, new applications and well designs were implemented. Intelligent completions are currently being considered during all stages of the field life cycle, from extended well testing to the mature field stage, with different benefits expected for each application. With an increasing need to optimize value from the presalt wells, a holistic approach was necessary that integrated recovered data and active control into a digital platform to allow a more informed and strategic decision making process using the intelligent completion technology capability to maximize the reservoirs’ value. Results achieved to date allow a much wider application range, with increasing importance for upcoming deepwater presalt cluster development.
A milestone of 50 wells installed in several fields using this technology was achieved in the Brazilian deepwater presalt with an accelerated learning curve. Many uncertainties existed initially; however, multiple successful installations have proven this technology implementation to be reliable, with small differences in capital expenditures (CAPEX) compared to conventional wells.