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Vibration Monitoring Technique to Detect Failure in Armour Wires of Flexible Risers
Arthur M.B. Braga; Sergio Morikawa; Claudio Soligo Camerini; Murilo Giron Camerini; Alexandre Santanna Ribeiro; Tiago Baltar Simoes
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Experimental Methodology of the Accumulated Plastic Strains (APS) Effect Evaluation on Steel Tube Umbilical (STU) Performance
Antonio Pereira Nascimento Filho; Daniel Luiz Bardanza De Vasconcellos; J.D. Oliveira; Carlos Alberto Godinho
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Innovative Method for Creating New Deepwater Tie-in Points on Existing Pipeline System, Using Proven Pipeline Repair Equipment
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Development of In-Line PLETs for Tupi Pilot Project:Challenges and Lessons Learned
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Integration of Numerical Well Testing and Deconvolution Algorithm for Analyzing Permanent Down-hole Gauge (PDG) Data
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Environmentally-Improved Method of Drilling Top-Hole Sections Offshore Brasil Using Dual-Gradient Drilling Techniques for the First Time in Brasil
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Evaluation of Advanced Fibers for Deepwater Synthetic Fiber Mooring Systems
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Test Results on The Effect of Cyclic Wear of Polyester Sub Ropes
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Successful Qualification and Deployment of a High Pressure Drill Pipe Riser in West Africa
Mathieu Camus; Pascal Auclair; Barrie Horsburgh; Yann Gallois; Christopher Rohart; Jim Miller; Yannick Mfoulou
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Characterization of the Pinda Reservoir (Angola): Delivering New Insight Through Advanced LWD Imaging Tools and Techniques
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Along-String Pressure Evaluation Enabled by Broadband Networked Drillstring Provide Safety, Efficiency Gains
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
The Mass Balance Technique of Managed Pressure Drilling, Reaching the Drilling Objectives Safely and Successfully Beyond the Conventional Limits of HPHT Deepwater Wells.
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Prevention of Fretting/Wear Damage in Pressure Armour Layers of Flexible Pipes Designed for High Pressure Applications
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Early Life Cycle Field Development Optimization of a Complex Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Field
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Challenges and Solutions of Stimulating Carbonate Reservoirs in Timano-Pechora, Russia
Yuri Faizov; Olesya Vladimirovna Levanyuk; Diankui Fu; Olga Ivanova; Bernhard R. Lungwitz; Kevin D. Mauth
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Mooring Chain Handling & Tensioning System for FPSO
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
A High Resolution Regional Ocean Model For Brazilian Pre-Salt Area: First Validation Results
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Real Time Horizontal Well Monitoring Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Technology
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
The Advancements of FEA in Confronting the Deepwater Pipelines Under High Pressure and High Temperature
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
An In-Situ Flow Cell To Highlight Different Mechanisms Of CaCO3 Inhibition By Green And Non Green Polymers
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Resolution Analysis of Azimuthal Directional Resistivity Images
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Asphaltene Deposition Measurement and Modeling for Flow Assurance of Subsea Tubings and Pipelines
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Developing a Retrieval System for Subsea Sensors and Transmitters
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Novel Investigation Approach Linking Management System And Barrier Failure Root Causes
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Case History: Performance of a Drilling Campaign in the Santos Basin, Brazil, 2008-2010: A Success Story
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Limits of Acid Fracture Conductivity Correlation Improvement Through Acid Fracture Surface Characterization
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Costing the Earth - Oil Spill Response and Ecosystem Services
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Understanding Unconventional Gas Reservoir Damages
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Effects of Broken Rope Components on Small-Scale Polyester Rope Response: Numerical Approach
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Holistic Approach to Subsea Integrity Management & Reliability and their Application to Greenfield and Brownfield Projects
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Extended Reach Wells Outside Of Industry Standard Practices
Nathan Allan Biddle; Gabriel Rocha Camargo; Priscila Dos Santos Pena Vila; Andre Collares; Grover Luis Orellana; Roy Beasley; David Brecknock
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Use of Geomechanics for Optimizing Reservoir Completion and Stimulation Strategies for Carbonates in the Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil
Zsolt Robert Nagy; Fabiola Pacheco; Marcia R. Da S. Rosa; Mauro Torres Ribeiro; Iwao Jouti; Jorge Aurelio Pastor; Aaron Grandy; Sam Fluckiger; Luis Daniel Gigena
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Subsea Water Treatment Comes of Age
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Ceramic Membrane And Core Pilot Results For Produced Water Management
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
A Flow Assurance Assessment Of Possible Low Temperature Excursions Within A Flowline/Pipeline System
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Selection of Low Carbon Field Development Plans Based on Lifecycle Energy Modeling
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Challenges and Solutions in the Development of a Flexible Cryogenic Pipe for Offshore LNG Transfer
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Effect of Soil Variability on the Penetration Depth of Dynamically Installed Drop Anchors
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Operational Experience of the Fatigue Performance of a Flexible Riser with a Flooded Annulus
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Importance of Topsides in Design and Selection of Deepwater Floating Platforms
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Hydrate Risk Assessment and Restart Procedure Optimization of an Offshore Well Using a Transient Hydrate Prediction Model
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Post-Macondo BOP Safety Upgrades
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Subsea Compression: A Game Changer
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Comparative Performance Assessment Study of a High-Speed Gamma-Densitometer in Horizontal and Vertical Multiphase Flows
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Gamma Radiation Methods in Characterizing Horizontal and Vertical Multiphase Flow
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Challenging Horizontal Open Hole Completion in Carbonates: A Case History on Mechanical Isolation and Selective Stimulation in Campos Basin, Brazil
Guillermo Jose Villanueva; Jesus Alberto Canas; Daniel Gigena; Armando Ferreira; Jose Oliveira Vidal; Rachel Pinto; Giovanni Alvaro Landinez; Iwao Jouiti; Gilberto Rafainer; Augusto Cancio; Diogo Scarcelli D'Oliveira; Wesley da silva
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Comparison Between Smart and Conventional Wells Optimized Under Economic Uncertainty
Marcio Augusto Sampaio Pinto; Carlos Eduardo Barreto; Ana Teresa F. da S. Gaspar Ravagnani; Denis Jose Schiozer
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Deep Water High Capacity Dynamic Power Cables; Recent Developments
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Improved NPV Using Shallow Water Subsea Systems to Achieve Early First Oil and Reduce CAPEX
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Feedback from Experience on Structural Integrity of Floating Offshore Installations
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
The Role of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Deepwater Life of Field Integrity Management
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Careful Planning and Application of an Asymmetric Vibration Damping Tool Dramatically Improves Underreaming While Drilling Performance in Deepwater Drilling
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
DOFT for Monitoring and Optimization of the First Ultra Deepwater FPSO Production in the GoM
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Development And Validation With Testing Of A High Strength Steel Fatigue Resistant Threaded & Coupled Premium Connectors Product Line For Outer Production Riser And Single Barrier Riser Applications in Deepwater And Ultra Deepwater
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Application of Emulsion Viscosity Reducers to Lower Produced Fluid Viscosity
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Verification of the Performance of Insulation Materials Used for Deep-Water Offshore Applications
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
WBM Contamination Monitoring While Sampling Formation Water with Formation Testers: A Novel Approach
Jose Correa; Moacir Santos; Antonio Wander; Estevao Neves Rodrigues; Jesus Alberto Canas; Santiago Esteban Colacelli; Alexandre Da Silva Zaccaro; Alexandre Lima Barroso; Carlos Rico; Rubiel Ortiz
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Liquid-Liquid Separation in Gravitational Subsea Separators
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Planning And Placing First Waimea Horizontal Production Well - A Case History - Campos Basin, Brazil
Sergio Flores; Gilberto Rafainer; Paulo Ernesto; Marcia R. Da S. Rosa; Vagner Costa; Mauro Torres Ribeiro; Giovanni Landinez; Diogo Scarcelli D'Oliveira; Ana Beatriz Felicio Guedes; Julian Ramirez
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Using CFD to Investigate Safety Issues with Cryogenic Restarts
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Deep Water SAL - An Offloading Station for Large Water Depths
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Challenges in Wireless Data Transmission from Anchor to Surface
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Controlling Hydrate Slurry Transportability by Optimizing Anti-Agglomerant Usage in High Water Cut Systems
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
HMPE Mooring Lines for Deepwater MODUs
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
A Novel Technique for Optimizing hydrate Inhibitor Injection Rate
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Intelligent Vertically Loaded Anchors For Deep Water Floating Production Systems
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
The Construction of the Brazilian National Contingency Plan. Historical Setbacks and Proposals to Integrate Relevant Stakeholders
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Development of a New Generation of Innovative Synthetic Wire Mooring Ropes
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Installation Penetration of Gravity Installed Plate Anchors - Laboratory Study Results and Field History Data
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Maximizing Platform Space Utilization Through the Latest in Multiphase Metering - A North Sea Pilot
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
The First Dry Tree Semisubmersible Drilling and Production Platform Sold
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Application of Proposed Method for Planning Best Initial Response to Kicks Taken During Managed Pressure Drilling Operations
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Supply Vessel Market Trends in Brazil
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Recovery of Retrograde Condensed Liquid in Mature Reservoirs of Gas Condensate in Latin America
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Drilling Performance Initiative in Campos Basin Block C-M-592
Sergio Flores; Saulo Linhares; Claudio J. Coletta; Giovanni Alvaro Landinez; Renato O. Rios; Yonnellybeth Medina Marquez; Pedro Celso De Oliveira; Helmut Luqueta
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Use Of Safety Case To Accomplish With Brazilian Regulations For Drilling Units
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Reserves Estimation Uncertainty in a Mature Naturally-fractured Carbonate Field Located in Latin America
Gina Luz Vega Riveros; Luigi Alfonso Saputelli; Jose Leonardo Patino Perez; Alejandro Chacon; Romeo Solis
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Development of API X70-X80 Grades Heavy-Wall Seamless Pipes With Low Temperature Toughness
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Localized Corrosion Testings of Stainless Steel in Low-Dose Hydrate Inhibitor by Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization
Ying Hang Tsang; Tim Garza; Chelsea Ann Burger; Dwight Neptune; Carlos M. Menendez; Paul Stead; Marc Lehmann
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Swivel Connection Development
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Design, Qualification and Fabrication of Fatigue Critical Girth Welds for Free Standing Hybrid Riser Systems
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Persistent Unmanned Surface Vehicles for Well and Field Support
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Simulation of SCR Behaviour at Touchdown Zone- Part I: Numerical Analysis of Global SCR Model Versus Sectional SCR Model
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Production Optimization in a Campos Basin Reservoir: A Case for Applying Robustness Measures to a Waterflood Project from Subsurface and Operational Design to Execution
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Simulation of SCR Behaviour at Touchdown Zone - Part II: Testing of a Sectional SCR Model in a Geotechnical Centrifuge
Edward Charles Clukey; Michael Tognarelli; George Li; Rupak Ghosh; Ryan Douglas Phillips; Arash Zakeri; Brad Elliott; Anirban Bhattacharyya; Qunli Sun
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
A General Analytical Solution for the Multidimensional Transient Linear Hydraulic Diffusivity Equation in Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Porous Media
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
ESP Assisted Production Allocation in Peregrino Field
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Permanent Borehole Seismic in Ultra Deep Offshore Appraisal Wells
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Workover/Well Intervention and Regulatory Challenges
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Unique Salt Drilling Steerability Test: Advanced RSS Proved Outstanding Build-up Rate Capability in Brazil Mobile Salt Formations
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
LNG Tandem Offloading - A Qualified Technology Now Ready for FLNG Project
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Multiphase Meters and Their Application in Wet Gas Fields, Offshore Brazil
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
The Aging of Offshore Polyamides under Services Conditions in Subsea Applications
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Mooring System Integrity: Deteriorative Mechanisms on Mooring Systems and Appropriate Inspection Techniques
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Direct Electrical Heating of Flowlines - A Guide to Uses and Benefits
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Successful Hole Enlargement While Drilling in Deepwater Offshore Brazil
Priscila Vila; Karam Sulaiman Dhaher; Gregory Charles Miller; Marcia Machado; Phil Strachan; Gail Nelson; Molly Compton; Patrick Davis; Xianping Wu
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Considerations for the Use of Carbon Dioxide Removal Membranes in an Offshore Environment
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Evaluation of Development Options for Marginal Offshore Green Fields in Angola
Nilton Augusto Barreto De Carvalho; Nilton Claudio Pinheiro; Sunday Grammer; Eric Ndonwie Mahbou; Konstantin S. Chaus
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
A Case Study: A High Throughput Mud-Gas Separator for Underbalanced Drilling
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Improved Girth Welds Manufacturing for Fatigue Demanding Deep Water Developments Through Laser Pipe End Measurement
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Advanced Compression Solutions for CCS, EOR and Offshore CO2
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Analysis and Comparison of Paraffinic Field Deposits to Cold Finger Deposits on a Brazilian Campos Basin Crude Oil
Susan Amy Garner; Priyanka Juyal; Crystal Hart; David Podgorski; Amy M. Mckenna; Claudio Marcos Ziglio; Ryan P. Rodgers; Stephan John Allenson; Alan G. Marshall
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
New Solutions for Subsea Produced Water Separation and Treatment in Deepwater
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Safety and Regulatory Perspective for Floating LNG plant Offshore (FLNG)
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
What If Scenario Testing of Synthetic Fibre Rope for Deepwater Mooring Systems
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Remote Deepwater Oil Field Tie-Back: Conventional Or Innovative Solution?
Francesco Argento; Giovanni Russo; Stefano Magi; Michael Gassert; Michele Margarone; Antonino Ingargiola
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Fiber Optic Installation at the Sand Face Enables Real-Time Flow Monitoring and Compaction mitigation in Openhole Applications
Denise M. Earles; Cooper C. Gill; Carl W. Stoesz; Nilufer D. Surveyor; Jeremy G. Pearce; Hans A. deJongh
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Probabilistic System Approach for Risk Based Inspection of FPSO
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Application of the 17 Practices of the Management System for Operational Safety on Marine Installations for Drilling and Production of Oil and Natural Gas in Brazil
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Debottlenecking of The Machar Slug Catcher
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Minimum Bending Radius (MBR) Tests of Flexible Pipes: An Experimental Approach Via Optical Motion Capture and Image Processing
Rafael Loureiro Tanaka; Rodolfo Trentin Gonalves; Teófilo Barbosa Ferreira; Guilherme Feitosa Rosetti; Celso Pupo Pesce; Andre Luis Fujarra; Carlos Godinho
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Global Offshore Operations Performance: Assessing Uptime Reliability
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Flow Assurance Aspects of Intrusive Erosion Probes
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
The Spiral Stack Turret, an Enabling Technology for High Volume, High Pressure Field Developments with FPSOs
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Lessons Learned From Statfjord A Oil Spill and Actions Taken to Reduce Spill Risk During Offloading Operations
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Corrosion Performance of Aluminum Materials for Use in Deep-Water Riser Systems
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Solves Conventional Drilling Problems at the Xanab Offshore Field, which Presents Severe Drilling Fluid Losses
Silvestre Ramirez; Rafael Aguilar Arias; Roberto Horacio Herrera; Simon Bevilacqua; Guillermo Barrera; Renier Leon; Miguel Leal; Erik Martinez
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Mooring System Design for a Circular Hull Shape FPSO Floater With Spar Like Responses
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Tools and Techniques for the Selection and Design of Safe Deepwater Riser Systems for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Capturing the True Non-Linear Load-Elongation Properties (Including Permanent Elongation) of Polyester Rope in Mooring Analyses
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Using Testing Methods to Evaluate Performance and Integrity of Offshore Mechanical Systems
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Integrated Petrophysics and Geosteering Reservoir Characterization in the Initial Development Phase of a Carbonate Reservoir - Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil
Mauro Torres Ribeiro; Vagner Luis Ferreira da Costa; Raimundo Antonio Guedes Bomfim; Paolo Ferraris; Ana Beatriz Felicio Guedes; Priscilla Reuters Bitencourt
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Evaluation of The Seismic Time-Lapse Acquisition Period In Reservoir Monitoring
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Pre-Commissioning of First Interfield Pipline of Brazilian Pre-Salt Projects
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Collapse Due to Bending and External Pressure Per API RP 1111, 4th Edition
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Safety Enhancement to Offshore Drilling Operations
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Management of Residual Stress : An Emerging Technology For Oil Industry Tubular Products
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Enhancing Local Content for Projects
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Dynamic Positioning Capability and Enhanced Reliability
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Design of Offshore Structures for Accidental Load Conditions
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Extendible Draft Semi-Submersible (EDS) Development
Joseph Mathew; Edward Huang; Shaosong Zhang; Guoan Shen; Bin Li; Jack Zhong; Edwin Nah; Anis Hussain
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Dual Coil - Long Offset, Full Azimuth Marine Towed Streamer Acquisition
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Correlation of the Petroleum System from Santos and Namibian Offshore Basins
Marcio Rocha Mello; Andre A. Bender; Nilo Chagas Azambuja Filho; Silvana Barbanti; Milton R. Franke; C.L.C. Jesus
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Giant Sub-Salt Hydrocarbon Province of the Greater Campos Basin, Brazil
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Pre-Stack Full Waveform Inversion for Velocity Model Building
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Building Anisotropic Models for Depth Imaging: Comparing Different Approaches
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Super Duplex SAF 2507 as Alternative for Standard 316L in Hydraulic and Instrumentation Tubing on Topside
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Failure Detection Monitoring System Qualification Through a Full-Scale Dynamic Test
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Seismic Ocean Botttom Nodes: A Versatile Field Development Tool
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
Latest Developments In Floating LNG Liquefaction Technologies: How We Are Combining Proven and Innovative Technologies For The Future
Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2011. doi:
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