Carbon Nanotube (CNTs) is a carbon-based nanoparticle with a diameter in a nanometer range (nanoscale) regarded as the "Futuristic Materials" for advanced applications. In Company A, the GHG emission reduction is one of the goals to support sustainability growth. Therefore the project CNTs from natural gas has been firstly initiated, and considered as the Carbon Capture and Utilization(CCUS) technology that captures hydrocarbon sources, which mainly contribute to greenhouse gases, and converts them into new value-added products.
The CNT reactor unit is designed as a mobile skid for an easily mobilization to any remoted area location to capture the remaining flare gas. The flare gas commingle with the carrier gas is routed into the Fluidized Bed Chemical Vapor Deposition (FBCVD), under the optimal conditions with catalyst, the flare gases are converted to CNTs powder. The produced CNTs quality is about 95% purity for Multi-Walled CNTs with a diameter around 30-50 nm can be achieved by the CNT reactor prototype unit, which it is comparable with commercial grade CNT product. All the operating parameters are tested and will be further used for the engineering design of the large scaled CNTs pilot unit.
Therefore, the synthesized CNTs from flare gas was further applied into the real applications of an energy storage. CNTs was coated over the electrode of the supercapacitor. The performance test of the supercapacitor was further performed. The results of the Company A's CNTs based supercapacitor; in terms of the energy density, power, and cyclability, etc., are benchmarked with the commercial supercapacitor in the market.
CNTs synthesis using flare gas as carbon source was firstly initiate and get the promising results from the actual field tests. This FBCVD technology is proven with higher product yield and purity compared with other conventional methods and larger scale plant is considered highly feasible. In technology development, this technology is a challenge that could open the new horizon for oil and gas development.