The objective of the paper is to communicate on the development of Web-Based Online Corrosion Design Basis Memorandum (CDBM), an online solution to accelerate, simplify & standardize CDBM development which will be piloted for Upstream Wellhead Platforms and Pipelines. CDBM is a project key document consisting of the design basis of material selection, corrosion control, testing and monitoring which is currently developed and approved manually. This digitalization initiative will take CDBM to a next level in designing corrosion features for upstream facilities in line with COMPANY aspiration of going digital.
Web-based Online CDBM consists of four modules which are Corrosion Engineering Assessment, Material Option Database, Corrosion Control, Testing and Monitoring Database and Lesson Learn and Cost Database. Prior to the development of Online CDBM website, the first step is developing technical requirements and business logic spreadsheets. Eighteen internal and external degradation mechanism with regards to upstream facilities has been considered and the option for materials and corrosion control, testing and monitoring tools were populated in the spreadsheet. Element of lesson learn, and cost estimation feature also included in the spreadsheet and developed in collaboration with Operation and Cost Engineering Team. Once the business logic spreadsheet is completed, Online CDBM will be converted to a web-based solution by using the agile method where the system will be developed module by module. Four Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will be released. Online CDBM will be connected to email for notification and the programming will enable online reports, comments, review, and approval. All the information will be stored in one place with a cloud system for easy access and retrieval. Online CDBM will enable data collection and future machine learning adaption where trending and data comparison can easily be conducted.
Online CDBM will have the following features: (i)Stringent Quality Control, Standardize Format and Fast Report Generation, (ii) Consistent Technical Approach and Recommendation, (iii) Fit for Purpose Material Selection, Corrosion Control, Testing and Monitoring, (iv) Effective Tracking and Approval for Data Changes & Deviation and (v) Easy Accessibility and Secure Online Database with Cloud System.
From this Online CDBM initiative, work process simplification to develop CDBM will be achieved and resulting in 30% potential cost and manhour saving. In addition, a consistent technical approach and recommendation through Online CDBM will potentially incur cost avoidance by having fit-for-purpose materials, corrosion control, testing and monitoring tools as well as Price of Non Conformance (PONC) avoidance for unplanned facilities modification/replacement. In summary, Online CDBM is an opportunity for COMPANY to develop inhouse capability and indirectly will raise oil and gas technology profile.
This paper can be used as a reference for digitalization efforts in managing Upstream Facilities.