Worldwide a net of several hundred thousands of kilometers of pipelines is in use to transfer all kind of products in the most economical way from A to B. This is the most effective and save way, but, as with all kind of technical systems, even the safest one is facing problems from time to time. These problems can be related to aging processes, such as corrosion for instance, by the product in the line (waxing), by the process (cavitation, exceeding or undercutting pressure limits), as well as by external effects (earthquake, avalanches, third-party interaction).
As with increasing pipeline networks and distances between inlet and outlet also the environmental risks are increasing, meanwhile several regulations are in use (for instance API, TRFL (technical rules for pipeline – the most restrictive law (Germany)). These regulations shall ensure that loss of product due to an affected integrity of the pipeline can be minimized to avoid environmental effects. But also from a commercial point of view this is an important information as it can minimize the effects of accidents, minimize the downtime and minimize the loss of product.
To ensure the integrity of the pipeline leak detection systems have been designed to limit the risk, based on different technological approaches. One of the key targets here is to detect leaks reliably (no false alarms without missing leaks), within guaranteed limits (minimum leak rate, defined accuracy in leak size and localization) and within a minimum period of time.
Analyzing the leak detection systems available in the market a big variety of different approaches can be found, following different technical approaches. To select the optimum solution is not an easy process, as a lot of different parameters have to be considered from the definition phase of a project up to regular operations including the role of the operator.
This article is highlighting some of the most important facts about this complex topic.