Structural member damage to fixed-jacket offshore platform occurs for a number of reasons including impact damage from vessels and fatigue of ageing jackets. Such structures represent substantial capital assets to operators and therefore it is important to verify the effectiveness of structural repairs in restoring the structural integrity of the platform.

An On-line Monitoring (OLM) instrumentation system at deck level can be used to continuously monitor the structural response due to ambient from wave and on board sources before, during, and after the repair process.

The observed changes in structural response can be compared with those predicted using finite element structural analysis. The outcome from a Pilot study implementing the use of OLM by Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB) has enabled PCSB to effectively identify that the repair was adequate and further demonstrated the applicability for using OLM for Managing Structural Integrity over time in assessing the effectiveness of any future repairs.

The paper also describes details on demonstrating the benefits of using OLM in supporting the ongoing Managing of Structural Integrity due to degradation arising from various sources to assist engineers in making and verifying correct engineering assessment decisions and where appropriate supporting the case for either enhancing safety or reducing inspection/maintenance activities.

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