Peciko is a giant gas field operated by Total E&P Indonésie which has been in production since late 1999. The field is situated in Mahakam PSC about 25 km offshore. After more than six years of production, the field entered its decline phase after reaching peak production at 1.3 Bscfd in 2005. With the total number of wells exceeding 130, sustaining the field production has become very challenging in this maturation phase. Problems like liquid loading, scale, tubing breach and sand production require immediate remedial action to prevent wells from suffering any further. Gas water contact movements must also be monitored prior to define targets for infill drilling.

Data acquisition is of key importance to spot on problems which may impair the producing wells, and to understand the well and field behavior for any next development phase. From 2010 to 2012, around 120 Production Logging Test (PLT) were done as well as over 20 jobs of caliper log. PLT is widely used to evaluate reservoir performance and to identify source of water, while caliper log is commonly used for quantifying wellbore access restriction or enlargement.

Many wells with high water production are associated with wellbore restriction due to scale build-up. Production logging combined with caliper log has also helped tubing breach identification in a zone completed with sleeve only. Further, more than 70 jobs of pulse neutron logging were run to monitor the movement of gas water contacts. Sand production is also an issue in Peciko field, and to these end 10 jobs of sand detection logging were acquired. Results are conclusive for a couple of wells, whilst ambiguous for the other, and for these wells the challenge for a solution to remedy sand production remains.

This paper explains how reservoir management team of the Peciko field has extensively used surveillance technologies in fighting the decline by solving liquid unloading problem, maintaining wellbore integrity, and horizontal well placement for hydrocarbon recovery optimization.

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