Description of the proposed paper:

The proposed paper describes the innovative design of open drain sump caisson liquid disposal to resolve the Microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) in the pipe lines of Sarawak operations. The design eliminates the sea water entry in to the pipe lines and minimizes the threat of MIC to ALARP level which is one of the root cause for many pipe line failures.


Baram Delta is the largest oil field in Sarawak operations (SKO) with a current production of 72 kbpd, actively operating for the last 40 years. In strategic view of production sustainability of BDO fields, 6 new EOR projects have been proposed under the new PSC agreement in 2011, which will be carried out simultaneously to extend the field life to another 30 years with many new platforms coming up.

BDO (Baram Delta Operations) is currently facing numerous integrity challenges with pipelines, and there had been premature leakages/failures of some pipelines. One of the root causes is the effect of SRB caused primarily due to seawater entry into the pipelines through open drain sump caisson system. SKO is now investing approximately RM4 Billion solely on pipelines replacement & rejuvenation projects, and several pipelines have been replaced in recent years.


It can be applied to not only to Sarawak operations but to all offshore facilities where there is no water treatment/disposal facilities and all the crude oil along with produced water pumped to onshore facilities for further processing before sending to tankers. This design is already incorporated in the Generic Satellite Well head platform design of PCSB.

Results, Observations, Conclusions and Significance of Subject matter:

  1. Elimination of Microbiologically induced corrosion and reduction of the risk to ALARP level.

  2. Elimination of safety hazards of handling portable tanks/ tote tanks while transferring the tanks to the supply vessels to and fro from offshore platforms.

  3. Reduction of Operations Expenditure (OPEX) of more than RM 100million for BDO operations.

  4. Simplified design with very minimum incremental cost to the conventional design.

  5. Very easy operations and environmental friendly

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