Several deep-water sectors offshore Newfoundland and Labrador are available for parcel nomination in the next few years. This paper summarizes the current availability of geohazard information from Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) data holdings, Open Files and published papers. It presents background geological information on controls on geohazards, and summarizes the significance of existing published geological and geotechnical data. It focuses on sectors NL01-LS, NL02-LS (southern Labrador Slope), NL02-EN (northern Orphan Basin), and NL01-SEN (Carson and Salar basins), with brief mention of NL-01-SN. It is based on field surveys by the GSC in the past decade, including multibeam bathymetry, high-resolution seismic, and piston cores. The information is applicable to E&P companies considering nominating parcels or submitting bids for leases and to the regulator as a guide to geohazards and sea-floor constraints to exploration and production.