DYPIC – Dynamic Positioning in ICE - is an international research and development project partially financed by the national research agencies of Germany, Norway and France. This 3-years initiative (2010–2012) focused on the development of Dynamic Positioning (DP) technology for the Arctic environment. The projects' backbone was formed by two extensive experimental campaigns performed in 2011 and 2012. This paper summarizes the work performed within the project and spotlights the technical and scientific findings emerged from it. Special attention is payed to two facets of the project: the design of experimental devices, systems and setups for ice tank testing including the development of a dynamic positioning system for model basin facility, and the development of an ice basin numerical simulator. Finally, the opened perspectives are discussed with a special focus on the operational matters.
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OTC Arctic Technology Conference
February 10–12, 2014
Houston, Texas
DYPIC Project: Technological and Scientific Progress Opening New Perspectives
Ivan Metrikin;
Ivan Metrikin
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway and Statoil ASA
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Sveinung Løset;
Sveinung Løset
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Nils Albert Jenssen;
Nils Albert Jenssen
Kongsberg Maritime
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Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, February 2014.
Paper Number:
February 10 2014
Kerkeni, Sofien , Dal Santo, Xavier , Doucy, Olivier , Jochmann, Peter , Haase, Andrea , Metrikin, Ivan , Løset, Sveinung , Jenssen, Nils Albert , Hals, Torbjorn , Gürtner, Arne , Moslet, Per Olav , and Susanne Støle-Hentschel. "DYPIC Project: Technological and Scientific Progress Opening New Perspectives." Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, February 2014. doi: https://doi.org/10.4043/24652-MS
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