
A three year cycle is generally needed to adequately plan, execute, processand interpret a medium size 2D or 3D seismic program in the Canadian Arctic. The tasks of designing, supervising and monitoring the seismic surveys isdivided between the oil and gas exploration company, a seismic managementcompany and a seismic contractor well experienced in Canadian Arcticacquisition. In order to complete these seismic programs, MGM Energy Corp.dedicated extensive efforts and manpower to mitigate environmentalconsiderations within the survey area while respecting federal, territorial andlocal regulations and maintaining good and productive relationships developedwith the area's first nations and northern groups. A series of " Best PracticeMeasures", based on the extensive northern work knowledge and expertise of MGM, its contractors and the local communities, were adopted in the successfulcompletion of these projects.

Respecting federal, territorial and local regulations and maintainingproductive relationships with the area's First Nations is required in allphases of program implementation. For MGM " Best Practice" in Arctic seismicacquisition means permanently innovating and improving on the set ofenvironmental, safety and technical policies and conventions which are currentin seismic data acquisition in various Arctic physiographic and geologicalsettings.


During the past seven years, MGM and its predecessor company ParamountResources Ltd., acquired and processed several 2D and 3D seismic surveys in theNorthwest Territories of Canada. A three year cycle is needed to adequatelyplan, execute, process and interpret a) a 2D seismic program consisting of 4 to6 lines and totalling approximately 100 km in the Central Mackenzie Valley orb) a 3D seismic grid of 144 km2 in the Mackenzie Delta. The NorthEllice 3D seismic grid, representing the latest 3D survey collected in theMackenzie Delta, was acquired on land, within the delta channels and theshallow marine area (Tranzitional Zone) during the winter of 2007/2008. Thecost of acquisition of these programs is usually five to ten times higher thanin southern Canada due mainly to harsh conditions and complex logistics.

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