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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-0831
... tracer transit time between producer and injector >30 days 10) Poor recovery results from either, or summation of any of the following factors: Limited energy of the primary recovery mechanism Poor displacement efficiency by secondary recovery process 5 Poor volumetric sweep efficiency due...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 28–30, 2007
Paper Number: OMC-2007-065
... shear wave velocity travel time equation fluid type transit time rigidity modulus saturation rock density reservoir rock 1 Vp / Vs Identify Reservoir Fluids Type Hamada, G.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, P.O. Box 5049, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia This paper was presented...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 28–30, 2001
Paper Number: OMC-2001-083
.... – The meter did not require any intervention for maintenance or calibration during the 15-month trial period. accuracy production monitoring calibration viscosity customer upstream oil & gas flow profile crude oil reservoir surveillance transit time production control pipeline system...

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