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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 26–28, 2003
Paper Number: OMC-2003-036
... and fault-controlled deposition. All of these factors combine to provide a challenging problem for the interpretation. spepaper oportunity recovery sanantonio RISKASESMENTOALOCATECOMINGLEDPRODUCTIONI MULTI HIGHLYHETROGNEUSRSVIS M . A . E i sa , A . S h ea t ,S . M acr y #G UP CO C opyr i g h...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 26–28, 2003
Paper Number: OMC-2003-100
... or fields and minimizes risk in production operations, especially offshore. schlumberger spepaper petrobel ?pepaper reda zoneiv zonei DOWNHOLEPERMANETMONITORINGTACKLESESPROBLEMATIC WELS S . M acr y ,S c hl u m b ergr $ D C S, M . E l ) N o b y , M . A / L a t if , I . A w n i ,P e t ro b e l...

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