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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-455
... and natural gas releases were performed to simulate accidental events on real platforms during normal operation. The mixture adopted contained a maximum of 2.2% of methane in air, that is 50% of the Low Flammability Limit of methane: this choice was dictated by safety reasons, i.e., to avoid that a dangerous...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-470
... solution towards ecological transition improving electricity production without claiming additional land. This study simulates the energy and agricultural performance of an agrivoltaic system couple with the cultivation of oleaginous crops for energy purposes. Three agrivoltaic layouts are proposed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-442
... of feedstock-to-biomethane plants, via anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas upgrading processes. Aim of this tool is to provide biomethane expert developers with an integrated and smart object able to provide real-time information, simulating feed data and guiding users in building up the most convenient plant...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-348
... pipeline air emission simulation pipeline advanced methodology tab skjetne climate change leak model equation co 2 consequence dissolution coefficient diameter olsen expansion zofe ADVANCED METHODOLOGY TO STUDY UNCONTROLLED CO2 SUBSEA DISPERSION FROM PIPELINES LEAKAGE OR RUPTURE...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-352
... and estimation sustainability norway government sustainable development frequency simulation stability timesery platform europe government denmark government machine learning aep architecture annual energy production generator torque resistance dlc2 ANALYSIS OF GLOBAL DYNAMICS AND ESTIMATION...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-372
... engineering. This contribution illustrates completely new developments applying AI to 3d modelling deploying cutting-edge technologies. As a thumb rule, features such as fractures, joints, and small faults are simulated in 3dspace building a “Discrete Fracture Network” (DFN), following the descriptions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-436
... america government wind energy project developer united states government netherlands government sustainable development scenario turbine evaluation information application requirement ref technology performance level assessment stakeholder simulation TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-066
... occur. In this work a Computational Fluid Dynamic approach is proposed, carried out with the freeware software OpenFOAM, simulating the multiphase system with dispersed gas, seawater and air, in order to study in detail the subsea gas bubbles cone and the surface interactions, with the aim of analyze...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-018
... Consulting involved in Planheat EU Project (Funded by the European Union's H2020 Programme under grant agreement 723757). PLANHEAT Consortium developed and validated an integrated and easy-to-use, GIS-based and open-source tool to support local authorities in selecting, simulating and comparing alternative...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-059
... Abstract 3D numerical simulations were used to study the flow behavior of Newtonian and yield power-law fluids in two rotational geometries equipping a laboratory benchmark rheometer, namely, a standard concentric cylinder geometry and a non-viscometric, mixing-oriented double helical ribbon...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-112
... in the near wellbore zone. The second case study deals with the simulation of the injection history of an offshore network, made up of 10 wells injecting water into 4 different fields, where only the total FPSO injection rate is physically measured. RTVFM allowed to improve the quality of back-allocation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-113
..., potentially leading to escalation scenarios). Transient calculations of the thermal evolution of pipes and vessels containing high pressure natural gas, and subject to jet fire, have been carried out using the simulation tool OLGA. The simultaneous depressurization of affected plant components has been...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-140
... with economical resources availability, social requirements and environmental and safety regulations. PROGEO, once released, will provide to engineers: • A massive parallel calculation engine to design, monitor and optimize geothermal plants and network distribution system, based on an advanced flow simulator...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-0946
... optimize injected foam quantity and quality, a proper displacing operation simulation is required to: Identify the amount and characteristics of the injected foam. simulate the trend of discharged liquid to the separator in terms of surge liquid volume and evaluate the length of the procedure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-0951
... database propagation scenario upstream oil & gas information risk management reservoir characterization log analysis petrophysical evaluation input data core data risk assessment representativeness quasi-random number geologic modeling artificial intelligence simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-1026
... stratigraphic forward simulations, thermal and burial evolutions and uncertainty analyses, has been designed and applied on the frontier Levant Basin in the East-Mediterranean region (model covering around 200,000 sq. km, with horizontal cells grid resolution of 5 sq. km and less than 50m thick). The objective...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-1048
... modelling approach is able to quantify near the route of a planned seafloor structures either sedimentation/erosion processes, and flow velocity variation through time, event duration, direction and water density. A case is shown to provide an example of simulations and results that were used to select...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-1118
... ABSTRACT We consider second migration of hydrocarbons and analyse the effect of the uncertainty associated with three-phase relative permeability on reservoir simulation results. The two-dimensional vertical reservoir has a size of 5000 m × 5000 m and it is discretized by 50 × 50 uniform cells...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-1124
... dimension setup experiment upstream oil & gas laboratory concentration platform supersonic release wind tunnel evolution experimental setup configuration test section simulation 1 MODELLING AND MONITORING GAS DISPERSION IN AN OIL&GAS PLATFORM: PROJECT DEFINITION AND DESIGN...

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