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Keywords: rock type
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-358
... storage storage upstream oil & gas mineral hydrogen underground hydrogen storage sandstone information permeability depleted field literature screening and ranking temperature reservoir rock type hydrogen storage methodological workflow thickness caprock thickness integrity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-310
... sustainability. geology rock type upstream oil & gas lwd cowc drilling data acquisition geologist drilling operation logging while drilling inversion udar detection reservoir mapping while drilling journey kuwait-what reservoir characterization mapping transmitter sedimentary rock...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-382
... clastic rock mudrock mudstone sgr evaluation selection rock type reservoir characterization variation sequence reservoir sequence europe government geological subdiscipline realization reliability shale gouge ratio evaluation scenario vshale variation and structural uncertainty...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-371
... fields, extending reservoir exploitation life by minimizing exploration uncertainties in gas reservoirs. sedimentary rock structural geology geologist reservoir rock type complex reservoir clastic rock algeria government log analysis reservoir geomechanics interpretation operation well...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-439
... government phyllosilicate upstream oil & gas log analysis subsurface storage artificial intelligence structural geology rock type well logging geologist mineral europe government assemblage climate change workflow mineral assemblage mineralogical characterization application reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-0863
... reflection coefficients will also vary and in some cases will be similar to the sedimentary country rocks. Other factors with regard to seismic imaging of variable volcanic rocks are thickness, spatial distribution, and seismic data quality. We are studying the response of volcanic rock types using VSP data...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-1206
... selected based on a comprehensive rock typing workflow that covered the entire reservoir column cored and encountered at these two wells. Selected plugs underwent resistivity measurements at reservoir conditions. Cementation factor was then estimated and modeled as functioon of porosity and finally...

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