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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-372
... characterization complex reservoir information reservoir geomechanics simulation fracture artificial intelligence geological subdiscipline structural geology hydraulic fracturing machine learning network dmx protocol vug algorithm protocol fault and fracture system artificial intelligence in3d...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-115
... are also considered. The low-temperature testing protocol developed in this activity is an industry first, opening to a new perspective for the well design of CO2 injector wells in terms of load conditions and OCTG selection. INTRODUCTION Being Eni involved in an increasing number of CCS projects...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 27–29, 2019
Paper Number: OMC-2019-0971
... interfaces: physical, power, communication and also functional interfaces The Siemens subsea control system communication network, Ethernet based, is very flexible and basically protocol independent, making possible to provide any type of Ethernet based communication A black channel network is also...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 25–27, 2015
Paper Number: OMC-2015-239
... biodiversity conservation protection convention selection corridor social responsibility and development criteria sustainability protocol machine learning conservation offshore operation stakeholder spa bd protocol mediterranean sea information species distribution offshore pipeline 1...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 20–22, 2013
Paper Number: OMC-2013-176
... validation scope 1 ghg inventory climate change ghg emission eni installation ghg management process scope 3 transparency protocol identification stakeholder ghg protocol carbon footprint energy conservation supplier category indirect emission emission air emission ghg...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 20–22, 2013
Paper Number: OMC-2013-200
... member state protocol safety mediterranean sea contingency planning offshore protocol protection european parliament exploitation accident economic development marine environment convention competent authority regulation offshore regulation upstream oil & gas installation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 23–25, 2011
Paper Number: OMC-2011-146
... ABSTRACT: The need for safety functions, the desire to use interconnected computing systems and the desire to use standard interfaces have lead to the development of a new protocol in the subsea controls industry. SIL rated functions are becoming a more common requirement for subsea control...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 25–27, 2009
Paper Number: OMC-2009-071
... the potential to affect ecosystems across the whole area. If such large-scale changes exist, they may have not been detectable using survey designs focussed on small-scale point-source disturbances. This approach requires the development of multi-scale monitoring protocols for examining the large-scale...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 25–27, 2009
Paper Number: OMC-2009-109
..., in particular water based fluids, has been traditionally carried out via a few "standard" test protocols which give a very broad overview as to the potential performance of the fluid. With the development of significantly more advanced and specific drilling fluids over the last few years, a number of newer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, March 28–30, 2007
Paper Number: OMC-2007-101
... to the E&P industry), other conventions made significant progress: the Kyoto Protocol and the 1996 Protocol of the London Convention on Dumping (LC72) are now in force, the OSPAR Commission has adopted three new Recommendations in 2006, the European Union is in the process to adopt a Directive...

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