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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-328
... & gas write cylinder pipe h2s management europe government led diameter production chemistry corrosion inhibition irradiation configuration inner surface optimal source application corrosion management oilfield chemistry coating irradiance uv led definition curing polygon diagram...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-362
... the overall risk of well integrity loss for many of the well configurations studied. The proposed model is able to assess the failure probability of tubular and cement barriers in a systematic and well-specific approach, leading to an improvement of the standard failure rates selection based on historical...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-399
... achieved in 2022 and extensive field tests are expected by the end of 2023. In this paper, a description of the main features of the K3 UAV design are provided, with an overview of the main issues addressed during the development. drone operation enclosure propeller configuration protection...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-421
... change challenge. upstream oil & gas sustainable development centrifugal compressor limitation sustainability compressor bearing configuration operator compressors engines and turbines climate change operation offshore application offshore compression social responsibility...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-403
... metering reservoir surveillance controls and umbilicals configuration qualification conference saipem programme storage upstream oil & gas subsea production equipment production monitoring requirement prototype information valve subsea storage and injection solution qualification...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-310
... asia government kuwait government drilling measurement application configuration inclination tvd needed learned al-khalifa THE JOURNEY OF RESERVOIR MAPPING WHILE DRILLING IN KUWAIT WHAT WAS LEARNED, AND WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THE FUTURE Nasser Faisal Al-Khalifa, Deepak Joshi, Mohammed Farouk...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-339
... on the one hand and to transmission pipelines on the other hand by 2030. Two different options are considered for the transport of the CO2 from the emitters up to the delivery points: gaseous and dense phase transport. Several possible collection system configurations are considered. The optimization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-384
... in an economical sustainable way thanks to the use of a suitable mix of renewable energies. Based on the assumptions made, the CSH hybridized configuration with biogas boiler and digester has a lower LCOH (44-59 €/MWh) than a natural gas-only heat supply solution (49-85 €/MWh) both for a minimum and maximum cost...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-452
... were present: - During solution definition and design phase Pre-Assembled Unit (PAU) configuration for turbo-compressors was chosen to secure Yinson’s fast track execution schedule. - Before shipment full-power performance test was carried out at Baker Hughes facility (Massa, Italy) using 100% job...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OMC-2023-411
... change generator hrsg fpso co 2 requirement footprint configuration installation REDUCING FPSO EMISSIONS BY MEANS OF COMBINED CYCLE SOLUTIONS Giovanni Gennari, Simone Amidei, Ernesto Nasini, Andrea Intieri Baker Hughes, Industrial and Energy Technology This paper was presented at the 16th OMC...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-017
... configurations in an integrated way. It will be a high field superconducting tokamak device (6 T) carrying plasma current up to 5.5 MA in pulses with length up to about 100s and with 45 MW of additional heating power, needed to reproduce the energy flux expected in a reactor by the sole fusion reactions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-067
... requirements have been identified as the basis for the system definition. The system and the equipment shall be able to: 1. suit different configurations, either permanently installed subsea or carried by ROV/AUV; 2. be, as far as possible, of modular and standardized design to maximize the re-use of same...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-076
... should guarantee a consolidated starting point to converge to a conventional final structural configuration, keeping a ratio of about 1.5 to the construction height. Initially, attention was paid to verifying stability and buoyancy. The constraints in this sense have been placed in relation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-043
... ANALYSIS OF MEMBRANE SEPARATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS FOR THE ARC FUSION REACTOR Randall Field, Adam QingYang Kuang, Lohyun Kim, Chun Man Chow, Aaron Persad, Chi Cheng, and Rohit Karnik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Andrea Chiodini, Eni S.p.A. This paper was presented at the 15th OMC Med...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-062
... annular pressure drilling tool joint driller operator drilling operation artificial intelligence detection procedure formation fluid well control upstream oil & gas reducing operator stress kms drill string stress level drill pipe implementation configuration automation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-111
... structure social responsibility support structure application wind energy tlo optimization layout optimization hybrid truss-discontinuity layout optimization foundation offshore wind turbine sustainability ouakka configuration formulation HYBRID TRUSS-DISCONTINUITY LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-114
... PV and PV plus Grid energy configurations. Introduction The Italian Strategy for Hydrogen sets the National targets towards the creation of a Hydrogen Eco-system in line with the European hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe. The need of a resilient energy system capable of integrating...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, September 28–30, 2021
Paper Number: OMC-2021-155
... configuration and the ship design choices. The risks related to possible gas dispersions from valves, piping and flanges inside the ship hold and compressor room are analysed in detail by a series of CFD analysis [4]. These take in account Joule-Thompson effect (reduction of temperature due to sudden expansion...

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