
One of the commonly used methods to overcome erosion in pipeline is limiting the flow velocity to the limit in which erosion will be minimum, such velocity limit is called erosional velocity as given by American Petroleum Institute (API RP 14E, 1991) [1]. Although maintaining flow velocity in pipeline below erosional velocity limit can usefully eliminate pipeline erosion, it is limiting the flow rate that can be delivered through pipeline. Application of internal coating for pipelines is an efficient method that used to improve flow efficiency and increase pipeline resistance to erosion. Using of internal pipeline coating can increase erosional velocity limit, and consequently, the flow rate that can be delivered through pipeline. There are many types of coating with high corrosion resistance that can be used for pipeline internal coating. Literatures reported that titanium dioxide (TiO) nanoparticle can enhance coating characteristics for pipeline application.

In this work, epoxy-based coating reinforced with TiO nanoparticles was developed in order to investigate applicability for oil and gas pipeline services for erosion resistance. TiO nanoparticles were synthesized by sol gel method as a white powder with anatase crystal structure. TiO in nano scale was developed with average 15 ± 2 nm particle size which was verified using high resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM) at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. A resin of amide cured epoxy was mixed with TiO nanoparticles in different concentrations of 3%, 5% and 10% (w/w). The developed coating was applied with proper brush on carbon steel panels (100 mm X 150 mm) and prepared for laboratory experiment. Homogeneity of TiO nano particles within the coat was investigated by applying scanning electron microscope (SEM) on coated plates. Coating qualification for erosion resistance was investigated by applying Taber Abraser test according to ASTM D 4060-14 [2]. Coated plates were abraded by rotating abrasive wheels. Abrasion resistance was calculated as loss in weight per cycle.

Results showed that titanium dioxide (TiO) nanoparticle at all concentrations can improve abrasion resistance of amide cured epoxy coating to the acceptable limits of using in oil and gas pipeline applications. Abrasion weight loss test showed that coating with 10% concentration of TiO nanoparticles has the best result of 48% improvement of erosion resistance comparing to blanked coating (without addition of TiO nanoparticle). Improvement of erosion resistance can increase the acceptable limit of erosional velocity that will allow increasing flow rate in pipeline, pipeline life time and reduce probability of leakage due to pipeline failure. In general, results can be considered as a promising approach to increase level of pipeline integrity and reduce carbon footprint of pipeline. Such approach is fully aligned with the efforts aim to overcome the global climate changes.

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