Currently the operating gas storage fields in Italy are 10. The overall capacity of the gas storage system is about 15620 MSm3 for the working gas volume and 275 MSm3/d for the withdrawal capacity.

In the medium term (2020), it is expected the operability of others storage field through the development of concessions already in force and of new concessions currently undertaking authorization procedure. This will bring to an improvement of performance with a storage system working gas capacity of about 26000 MSm3 and a withdrawal capacity of about 408 MSm3/d.

However the currently safety margin of the system withdrawal capacity is not sufficient in order to avoid interventions on users in case of an extraordinary gas demand with a simultaneous reduction of gas imports from foreign countries. Moreover a gas demand increasing is foreseen at the 2035.

Referring to this scenario a potential development of the storage system performance in Italy is the offshore gas storage through the utilization of offshore gas reservoirs characterized by a suitable capacity, by suitable technical properties and by an advanced stage of exploitation.

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