The permeability prediction is of extreme importance in hydrocarbon reservoir management. The reservoir rocks are made up of grains, cement and pore network. The pore network is made up of larger spaces, referred to as pores, which are connected by small spaces referred to as throats. The pore spaces control the amount of porosity, while the pore throats control the movement of fluids and the quantity of rock permeability. The core analysis data for 219 sandstone and limestone samples were available. The data include, porosity, permeability and capillary pressure by mercury injection. These samples represent 21 stratigraphic units. The geologic age varied between Cretaceous and Pliocene. Sandstone reservoirs are represented by 179 samples, while 40 samples represent carbonate reservoirs. The data were collected from different geographic areas within Egypt. Pore-throat size distribution parameters were calculated from the data of capillary pressure. These data were used to approximate the distribution of pore volume accessible by throat of a given effective size. A new definition for micro-porosity was proposed based on pore throat size distribution. These data was used to descriminate the sample porosity into micro and macro porosity based on a pore throat cutoff, which was determined from the relationship between storage and flow capacity of the pore network. The relationship between permeability and aspects of pore geometry; micro-porosity, macro-porosity and pore throat parameters have been analyzed and discussed. The interpretation of the results indiacte that the permeability is mainly a function of porethroat size distribution while the amount of the porosity or the porosity configuration is not the main factor that controls the amount of permeability. A new model for permeability prediction was develpoed which incorporate the pore space and pore throat. The obtained results have shown the great influence of pore throat on permeability prediction

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