El Faras Field is located at Qattara Depression, Western Desert, Egypt. The field was discovered in 1995, and production commenced from Bahariya Fm in November 1996. Bahariya formation is considered as a highly heterogeneous reservoir. Upper Bahariya formation consists of thin sandstone, siltstone and shale beds which are interbedded and isolated in the horizontal and vertical directions. Lower Bahariya formation is thicker sandstone intervals interbedded with shale. The geological characterization allowed for 26 vertical layers to better distribute sand continuity and separate sand beds from shale and lime stone beds. El Faras field is a relatively low reservoir energy system (low reservoir pressures, little aquifer influx and low solution gas-oil ratio). This paper presents the effect of water flooding patterns through reservoir 3D modelling to improve and maximize production rate and reserves in the field. Some sensitivity runs were done in the prediction phase to compare the most common water flooding patterns such as peripheral, inverted 5-Spot, inverted 7-Spot, direct line drive and staggered line drive. Therefore, the reservoir management sensitivities are focused on the water injection patterns. The water flooding applied to Bahariya formation in Faras field was successful and indicated that:
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Recovery factor by direct line drives increased to 39% (67 MMSTBO) by 165% to natural depletion 24% (41.3 MMSTBO).
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Staggered-Line and direct-Line drives are the best patterns to be used in this reservoir and similar ones in Western Desert.
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Equations can be derived and used to correlate oil reserves with number of injectors in cases of Inverted 5-spot, Direct-line and staggered-line dive patterns in the Western Desert