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Keywords: oil price
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Journal Articles
OIJ 2020 (06): 18–21.
Paper Number: OIJ-2020-06-018-021-RU
Published: 01 June 2020
... elaborated which is based on the changes of input parameter points. Both external (oil prices, the USD rate of exchange, etc.) and internal (the success of scientific research, the success of development and introduction, capital and exploitation expenses, innovative products cost, etc.) factors may appear...
Journal Articles
OIJ 2019 (05): 38–39.
Paper Number: OIJ-2019-05-038-039-RU
Published: 01 May 2019
... of the federal budget revenues come from the oil and gas sector, its filling is directly related to oil prices, as well as to gas prices, calculated on the basis of linking to a basket of oil products. This leads to the fact that fluctuations in oil prices are one of the main factors influencing the formation...
Journal Articles
OIJ 2019 (04): 12–15.
Paper Number: OIJ-2019-04-012-015-RU
Published: 01 April 2019
...: hydrocarbon production; world oil prices; geopolitical situation; level of technology development and innovation; growth rates of prices for oilfield services; government regulation measures. For each of the three market segments (drilling, well maintenance and workover and well logging), specific factors...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
OIJ 2018 (09): 76–80.
Paper Number: OIJ-2018-09-076-080-RU
Published: 01 September 2018
...A. G. Malanichev The PDF file of this paper is in Russian. The paper studies the dynamics of the balance of the global oil market for the period 2016–2017. It is shown that the balance of the world oil market is one of the key factors determining oil price. The market balance is the difference...
Journal Articles
OIJ 2017 (04): 20–25.
Paper Number: OIJ-2017-04-020-025-RU
Published: 01 April 2017
..., the Institute of Energy Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.), made at high oil prices (2013–2014), and after their fall (2016–2017). It is considered how the very fact of the onset of the period of low oil prices was estimated...
Journal Articles
OIJ 2017 (02): 08–12.
Paper Number: OIJ-2017-02-008-012-RU
Published: 01 February 2017
... growth and falling oil prices. At the high oil prices in the global balance of liquid fuels the resources of expensive oil began to be actively attracted (deepwater fields, Arctic shelf, tight oil and oil of low-permeability reservoirs of the United States, oil sands in Canada, extra heavy oil...
Journal Articles
OIJ 2016 (11): 08–14.
Paper Number: OIJ-2016-11-008-014-RU
Published: 01 November 2016
... with the appearance of US shale oil as a factor of world oil supply flexibility increase. This leads to greater impact of the physical oil production-consumption balance on world oil price. We describe conceptually the world energy block in developed Rosneft Oil Company PJSC analysis and modeling system for World...
Journal Articles
OIJ 2016 (09): 06–10.
Paper Number: OIJ-2016-09-006-010-RU
Published: 01 September 2016
...A. M. Mastepanov The pdf file of this paper is in Russian. The article deals with the dynamics of world oil prices in recent years, analyzes their dependence on various geopolitical and economic events. Detail considered as fundamental for oil pricing factors, such as the marginal cost...
Journal Articles
OIJ 2016 (03): 74–77.
Paper Number: OIJ-2016-03-074-077-RU
Published: 01 March 2016
...S. N. Zakirov; E. S. Zakirov; I. M. Indrupsky; D. P. Anikeev; O. A. Lobanova; R. Kh. Muslimov; S. A. Kimelman The pdf file of this paper is in Russian. Current and all previous crises in world and Russian economy are connected considerably with oil and gas. In these circumstances, the oil price...

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