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Journal Paper
The oil production taxation in Russia – consequences of tax maneuver (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 24–27.
Journal Paper
Innovative high-precision gravity prospecting technologies in petroleum geology and hydrocarbon exploration (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 31–33.
Journal Paper
Multicontact's trap origin hypotheses for PK1-3 formation of Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 34–37.
Journal Paper
Lithofacies and geochemistry criteria of hydrocarbons bedding into the Pokur suite in Tomsk region (part 2) (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 38–42.
Journal Paper
Modeling of acoustic wave disturbances in massive rocks using a reconfigurable computer system (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 50–53.
Journal Paper
An application of sector equipment of acoustic logging VAK-32 for research of oil wells (Russian)
V. E. Kosarev; V. A. Gorgun; A. D. Akchurin; K. M. Yusupov; G. S. Smirnov; V. N. Gorbachev; M. L. Mikheev
OIJ 2016 (03): 54–57.
Journal Paper
Formation testers and production logging: a case study from R. Trebs and A. Titov oil fields (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 58–60.
Journal Paper
Study of drying process in full-size core by nuclear magnetic resonance method (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 61–63.
Journal Paper
Peculiarities of crude oil composition of the Volgograd Volga Region (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 64–67.
Journal Paper
Criteria of efficiency and rationality in oil and gas subsurface management (Russian)
S. N. Zakirov; E. S. Zakirov; I. M. Indrupsky; D. P. Anikeev; O. A. Lobanova; R. Kh. Muslimov; S. A. Kimelman
OIJ 2016 (03): 74–77.
Journal Paper
Relative permeability hysteresis for oil-water system in hydrophilic rocks (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 78–80.
Journal Paper
Evaluation of the effect of initial water saturation on relative permeability curves and production parameters of oil and gas fields (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 82–85.
Journal Paper
Wave technology to optimize flooding system for large development targets (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 86–88.
Journal Paper
Chain and thermal mechanisms of oil ignition for in-situ combustion process (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 90–94.
Journal Paper
Advanced development of hard-to-recover reserves using multistage hydraulic fracturing (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 96–100.
Journal Paper
Supplementary evaluation of the efficiency of water shutoff in production wells (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 102–104.
Journal Paper
Study of strength and filtration properties of core samples structured by urethane pre-polymer (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 105–107.
Journal Paper
Selection of artificial lift method considering production problems on R. Trebs oil field (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 108–112.
Journal Paper
Controlled electrical motor of pump set for transportation of multiphase wells production (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 117–119.
Journal Paper
Study of the stress state influence on induced pipelines magnetic field (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 120–122.
Journal Paper
Theoretical and experimental justification of full lift method of tank 20000 m2 for repair its base and foundation (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 123–125.
Journal Paper
The ecological influence of long-term oilfields on water objects by the example of Konitlorskoye oilfield (Russian)
OIJ 2016 (03): 126–128.
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