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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2010, March 14–18, 2010
Paper Number: NACE-10247
... materials and corrosion Upstream Oil & Gas SCE flowline corrosion Subsurface Corrosion mma electrode metals & mining riser corrosion concentration steel vapor space aeration cell Electrode array nitrite nh 4 corrosion attack potentiostatic test Pipeline Corrosion well...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2009, March 22–26, 2009
Paper Number: NACE-09436
... chemistry well integrity concentration nitrate-induced stress corrosion vapor space Vapor Space stress Corrosion hydroxide stress intensity specimen nitrate crack tip waste tank tank stress corrosion 2009 Copyright Government work published by NACE International with permission of the author...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2009, March 22–26, 2009
Paper Number: NACE-09432
... response materials and corrosion Upstream Oil & Gas interface region solution chemistry vapor space coupon Microstructure interface 2009 Copyright Government work published by NACE International with permission of the author(s). The material presented and the views expressed in this paper...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2008, March 16–20, 2008
Paper Number: NACE-08153
... corrosion Corrosion Management ethanol H2S management aerated sfge Pipeline Corrosion Production Chemistry well integrity chemical additive deaeration vapor space control test average corrosion potential SSR test SFGE crack growth rate reduction test cell electrode specimen ag agcl etoh...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07364
... stress relieved following fabrication. One hundred and forty-nine tanks have a single shell, also constructed of welded mild steel, but not stress relieved following fabrication. Tank waste is in liquid, solid, and sludge forms. Tanks also contain a vapor space above the solid and liquid waste regions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2006, March 12–16, 2006
Paper Number: NACE-06400
... two suppliers were tacked to the inside of individual turn signals. Steel witness panels (1018 carbon steel) were placed in the turn signals at two locations. One witness panel was placed in the vapor space and the other submerged in the solution directly injected into the lamps. A 50 mL solution...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2004, March 28–April 1, 2004
Paper Number: NACE-04694
... condenser UZ pore water composition foil thermal concentration vapor space ABSTRACT When moist residual solids resulting from evaporation of simulated concentrated unsaturated zone (UZ) pore water were heated, corrosive gases produced by the hydrolysis of crystallized magnesium salts were...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2004, March 28–April 1, 2004
Paper Number: NACE-04682
... Upstream Oil & Gas anantatmula corrosion rate vapor space tank wall electrode CHARACTERIZATION OF CORROSION PROBE COUPONS EXPOSED IN TANK 241-AN- 107 R. P. Anantatmula CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. P. O. Box 1500 Richland, WA 99352 ABSTRACT C-Ring and Pin electrodes from Corrosion Probe...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2004, March 28–April 1, 2004
Paper Number: NACE-04683
... PITTING CORROSION IN THE VAPOR SPACE AND LIQUID/AIR INTERFACE OF HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE TANK Karthik H. Subramanian and Philip E. Zapp Westinghouse Savannah River Company Savannah River Site Aiken SC 29808 ABSTRACT Corrosion in the vapor space and at the liquid/air interface...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2003, March 16–20, 2003
Paper Number: NACE-03676
...INVESTIGATION OF THE CORROSIVITY OF THE VAPOR PHASE OVER HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE K. H. Subramanian and P. E. Zapp Westinghouse Savannah River Company Savannah River Site Aiken SC 29808 ABSTRACT Corrosion in the vapor space and at the liquid/air interface of the Department of Energy (DOE) high...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2001, March 11–16, 2001
Paper Number: NACE-01140
..., and sludge forms. Tanks also contain a vapor space above the solid and liquid waste regions. The composition of the waste varies from tank to tank but generally has a high pH (>12) and contains odium nitrate, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrite, and other minor radioactive constituents resulting from plutonium...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2001, March 11–16, 2001
Paper Number: NACE-01282
... corrosion channel 2 corrosion probe riser corrosion channel 1 gasket vapor space installation tank electrode ELECTROCHEMICAL NOISE BASED CORROSION MONITORING AT THE HANFORD SITE: THIRD GENERATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN AND DATA G. L. Edgemon Hiline Engineering and Fabrication, Inc. 2105...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2000, March 26–31, 2000
Paper Number: NACE-00495
... Production Chemistry concentration severe corrosion oilfield chemistry Corrosion Management corrosion rate Downstream Oil & Gas amine amine system vapor liquid interface DEA solution composition lean amine case 4 impurity carbon steel vapor space regenerator Corrosion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 99, April 25–30, 1999
Paper Number: NACE-99469
... materials and corrosion Upstream Oil & Gas current noise Subsurface Corrosion Noise data channel 3 vapor space noise tank floor operation c-ring electrode Standard Deviation Pipeline Corrosion well integrity corrosion rate disturbance pin electrode current data flowline...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, March 22–27, 1998
Paper Number: NACE-98175
... flowline corrosion materials and corrosion Subsurface Corrosion corrosion current vapor space Houston riser corrosion fluctuation application pseudo-reference electrode Upstream Oil & Gas electrochemical noise Dawson Pipeline Corrosion well integrity corrosion Probe nuclear...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Corrosion97, March 9–14, 1997
Paper Number: NACE-97122
... for DSTs, bowever, tieregion oftiemost a~essivepitig (vapor space or liquid) requires further investigation. The results of the models presented suggest none of the existing DSTS should fail by through-wall pitting until well beyond scbeduledretrieval in2028. ~eesttiates oftibrewhye~s (tieyeu tiwbich...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Corrosion97, March 9–14, 1997
Paper Number: NACE-97337
... Pipeline Corrosion well integrity concentration materials and corrosion Upstream Oil & Gas inhibitor experiment NACE flowline corrosion Subsurface Corrosion riser corrosion gas pipeline hydrocarbon Vapor phase corrosion vapor space corrosion Corrosion Inhibition vapor space...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 96, March 24–29, 1996
Paper Number: NACE-96135
... Corrosion well integrity melter vapor space internal attack degradation Paper No. 135 CORROSIONOL The NACE International Annual Conference and Exposition MATERL4LS PERFORMANCE IN A RADIOACTIVE WASTEjGLASS MELTER SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT K.J. Imrich and C.F. Jenkins Westinghouse Savannah River Company...

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