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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2019, March 24–28, 2019
Paper Number: NACE-2019-13468
.... Concrete block specimens containing steel bars are prepared and subjected to accelerated corrosion test. As the corrosion-induced mass loss of steel bars reaches different levels ranging from 0% to 30%, the tests are terminated. The steel bars are taken out of the concrete block, cleaned with a sand...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2018, April 15–19, 2018
Paper Number: NACE-2018-11393
... mass losses of steel bars corroded in concrete specimens. As a result, it was clear that the corrosion rates measured by CIPE agreed with the results of the mass losses. Furthermore, corrosion rates of steel bars were measured at a pier beam. The applicability of CIPE was confirmed on the site. From...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2018, April 15–19, 2018
Paper Number: NACE-2018-11167
... ABSTRACT Corrosion of steel reinforcement is one of the main causes of premature deterioration in reinforced concrete (RC) structures. It causes concrete cover cracking, degrades the steel/concrete bond strength, reduces the cross section of steel bars, and consequently reduces the carrying...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2017, March 26–30, 2017
Paper Number: NACE-2017-9272
.... Therefore, it is widely used for physical, chemical and biochemical sensing. In this study, a corrosion sensing assembly to monitor steel bar corrosion in concrete slab based on the LPFG sensing principle is proposed and its performance is experimentally investigated. The assembly was made by encasing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2015, March 15–19, 2015
Paper Number: NACE-2015-5862
... Abstract In this study, the corrosion process of steel bars embedded in mortar cylinder and immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution was monitored with long period fiber gratings (LPFG) sensors. Each LPFG was first deposited with a thin layer of silver (600 nm or 1000 nm thick...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2015, March 15–19, 2015
Paper Number: NACE-2015-5861
... Abstract This study investigates the corrosion resistance and bond strength of mortar cylinders reinforced with uncoated steel bars (UN) and steel bars coated with two types of enamel: pure enamel (PE) and calcium silicate modified enamel (ME). The addition of calcium silicate is aimed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2014, March 9–13, 2014
Paper Number: NACE-2014-3764
... spectroscopy ( EIS ). materials and corrosion Upstream Oil & Gas Government work permission flowline corrosion riser corrosion cathodic protection passivity indicator Subsurface Corrosion steel bar steel Pipeline Corrosion reduction electrode protection steel rebar well integrity ECE...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2014, March 9–13, 2014
Paper Number: NACE-2014-4090
... ( FBE )-coated steel bars were investigated in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution up to 244 days using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ). The microstructure of a mortar-coating-steel system was examined using scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), and the effects of water cement ratio and exposure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2014, March 9–13, 2014
Paper Number: NACE-2014-4118
... ABSTRACT In reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environments, corrosion initiates when the chloride ion concentration at the surface of the embedded steel bar exceeds a chloride corrosion threshold (C T ) value. C T is generally assumed to have a conservatively fixed value...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2013, March 17–21, 2013
Paper Number: NACE-2013-2153
... for chloride penetration profiles, half-cell steel potential mapping and corrosion rate measurements etc. The seawater supply pipes exhibited no signs of concrete distress. Chloride levels were less than the threshold limit. Exposed steel bars and the steel cylinder showed no signs of corrosion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2011, March 13–17, 2011
Paper Number: NACE-11015
... the mechanisms involved therein. Therefore, chloride contaminated reinforced concrete slabs were cast and laboratory controlled experiments were conducted for half-cell potential, corrosion current, concrete resistivity, SEM and MIP measurement. The experimental measurements at the intersection of steel bars...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2008, March 16–20, 2008
Paper Number: NACE-08313
... metals & mining riser corrosion corrosion rate coating flowline corrosion Subsurface Corrosion adhesion carbon steel Pipeline Corrosion well integrity steel stainless steel 3cr12 carbon steel bar epoxy-coated bar corrosion test program corrosion resistance weight loss...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07280
... % by volume of concrete. materials and corrosion well integrity reinforcement construction materials Upstream Oil & Gas resistance flowline corrosion Subsurface Corrosion steel bar corrosion rate specimen corrosion current density polarization resistance anodically Tafel plot...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2006, March 12–16, 2006
Paper Number: NACE-06357
... to investigate the response of steel, embedded inside cracked concrete and with an established macrocell, to external polarization. The results of linear polarization, performed on cracked concrete specimens containing a segmental steel bar with external electrical connections, are presented. A simple circuit...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2006, March 12–16, 2006
Paper Number: NACE-06334
... be 2 to 4 times greater than the volume of the non-corroded steel. The increase in the volume of steel induces tensile strains in the concrete around the reinforcing steel bar and will ultimately cause concrete cracking. Cracked concrete allows oxygen, chlorides, carbon dioxide and water to enter...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2005, April 3–7, 2005
Paper Number: NACE-05332
... flowline corrosion Subsurface Corrosion steel bar corrosion rate Pipeline Corrosion riser corrosion HESC specimen construction materials Upstream Oil & Gas concrete specimen current density BFSC cement type international development engineering tokyo institute concrete...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2005, April 3–7, 2005
Paper Number: NACE-05264
... Galvanization of reinforcing steel bars is one of the techniques used to inhibit corrosion of reinforcing steel used in concrete. Hot-dip galvanized reinforcing steel bars were used in concrete bridge decks subjected to deicer salts to inhibit chloride-induced corrosion and increase the service life of concrete...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2004, March 28–April 1, 2004
Paper Number: NACE-04284
... complete explanation of what occurs in this zone, to identify trends in steel potential, and to relate changes in potential to electrochemical processes involved. In a previous research program, tests similar to those described were made with both smooth steel bars and deformed bars (rebars) and various...

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