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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2019, March 24–28, 2019
Paper Number: NACE-2019-12751
... drilling fluids and materials quadakker texas 77084 specimen Upstream Oil & Gas Publication Division spallation US government Thickness specimen thickness laboratory air oxidation cycle frequency exposure alloy manuscript permission Houston water vapor mass gain...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2019, March 24–28, 2019
Paper Number: NACE-2019-13558
...-fabricated N07247 and modified N07247 were cyclic oxidation tested at 950°C in air and humid air for durations ranging from 100 h to 5000 h. Increased spallation rates were observed initially for the AM N06002 alloys in comparison with wrought N06002 alloy because of the AM alloy specific microstructures...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2018, April 15–19, 2018
Paper Number: NACE-2018-11233
... in wet air, and the oxide scales formed on wrought Ni-(14-25)wt%Cr binary alloys were characterized to gain a better understanding of the behavior of chromia-forming alloys under these conditions. The mass change curves were used to quantify the behavior of the tested alloys and fit growth and spallation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2016, March 6–10, 2016
Paper Number: NACE-2016-7344
... expansion between the oxide and base metal during temperature fluctuations1. If these stresses become too large, cracks or even complete delamination and spallation can occur. Each time the base metal is exposed to the environment, the scale is regrown and the reservoir of protective elements at the metal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2015, March 15–19, 2015
Paper Number: NACE-2015-5637
... and spallation of the outer oxide scale always occur during isothermal oxidation or cooling down to room temperature. The interfacial zone of delamination has been proved to be located inside the magnetite layer, where a void belt is formed and grows. It is assumed that voids are the preponderant factor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2015, March 15–19, 2015
Paper Number: NACE-2015-6114
... hp alloy permission government work oxidation resistance austenitic stainless steel spallation alumina total mass change composition cafa 7 resistance water vapor environment mass change Development of Cast Alumina-forming Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys for use in High Temperature...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2011, March 13–17, 2011
Paper Number: NACE-11161
... oxide process gas specimen wood gasifier optical microscopy image chromium concentration exposure US government grade 22 Thickness Material Performance oxide thickness deposit spallation metal loss rate grade 11 2011 Superheater Tube Corrosion in Wood Gasifier Ash Deposits Michael...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2011, March 13–17, 2011
Paper Number: NACE-11192
... on the UNS S67956 oxidation behavior. cyclic oxidation concentration profile specimen thickness oxidation Thickness co 2 specimen Od Fecral Alloy Al content oxidation behavior alloy high temperature thick specimen FeCrAl alloy air 10 breakaway oxidation spallation water vapor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2010, March 14–18, 2010
Paper Number: NACE-10198
... Production Chemistry oxide co 2 scale spallation alumina-forming alloy oxidation behavior polished cross-section mass change oilfield chemistry light microscopy od fe 3 exposure alloy specimen Upstream Oil & Gas Specimen mass Change spallation laboratory air Mater reaction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2009, March 22–26, 2009
Paper Number: NACE-09251
... developed a distinct two-layered oxide structure consisting of an outer magnetite layer and an inner Fe-Cr oxide spinel layer. Surface modification was noted to improve the oxidation resistance of these steels. Austenitic steels exhibited a higher oxidation resistance, but in some cases oxide spallation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07408
..., resulting in improved corrosion resistance. The formation of this chromia layer appears to occur in alloys with smaller grain sizes. Regardless of test temperature, alloy 800H experienced severe spallation during the exposure, however alterations of grain boundary structure have been shown to eliminate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07470
... intemal oxidation penetrations were similar or smaller compared to those formed in the base metal. Oxidation rates are low for NO6025 in this temperature range compared to other commercial chromia- forming alloys. As is typical for most alloys above 1000°C, scale spallation becomes more significant...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07RTS9
... but that FM steels are generally not susceptible to SCC. The oxidation in austenitic steels is much smaller than in ferritic-martensitic steels but some austenitic steels suffer from excessive oxide spallation and all tested austenitic alloys are susceptible to SCC with irradiated materials having...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07209
... by enhancing the spallation of protective oxide scales. As one of the possible methods to control mid furnace corrosion, chromized and aluminized diffusion coatings were developed for carbon steels by pack cementation process using NH 4 Cl halide activator and elemental Cr or Al powder. Pack cementation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2006, March 12–16, 2006
Paper Number: NACE-06478
... air 10 cyclic condition exposure oxidation resistance oxidation breakaway oxidation spallation mass change isothermal condition resistant grade chromium species evaporation asteman water vapor mass loss metals & mining oxide scale steel isothermal oxidation moist...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2005, April 3–7, 2005
Paper Number: NACE-05428
... solution strengthened as well, and are generally less able to relieve stress by plastic deformation. Furthermore, the primary carbides in cast materials intersect the surface of any work piece, thereby affecting the properties of the scale-alloy interface and the ability of the scale to resist spallation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2003, March 16–20, 2003
Paper Number: NACE-03508
... and aluminium, but not iron or nickel. To make conditions more severe, temperature cycling was employed: 45 min at reaction temperature and 15 min at room temperature, repeated 500 times. At 1000oC, all alloys behaved protectively, growing spallation-resistant oxide scales which prevented carbon entering...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2001, March 11–16, 2001
Paper Number: NACE-01163
... of rapid weight-loss kinetics depended significantly on the producer of the 800HT alloy. The oxidation behavior of the 800 alloys was also producer dependent, but not to the significant extent found for the 800HT alloys. Keywords: 800 series alloys, chromia-former, cyclic oxidation, scale spallation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2000, March 26–31, 2000
Paper Number: NACE-00244
... gamma titanium aluminide alloy isothermal oxidation Nb content mass gain oxidation cyclic oxidation spallation engineering gamma titanium aluminide alloy binary titanium aluminide oxide scale oxidation behavior alloy oxidation resistance titanium aluminide alloy gamma alloy...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2000, March 26–31, 2000
Paper Number: NACE-00231
... spallation flowline corrosion wellbore integrity Wellbore Design H2S management compressive stress Microstructure mechanical property bond coating failure mechanism TBC coating alumina scale Air Plasma aero engine surface roughness bond coat oxidation ABSTRACT The typical properties...

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