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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07384
... fringe Upstream Oil & Gas concentration holographic interferometry Production Chemistry interferogram anodized film Habib anodization process oxide film Corrosion Inhibition H2S management Thickness aluminium sample AC Impedance double layer capacitance CORRELATION BETWEEN...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 99, April 25–30, 1999
Paper Number: NACE-99218
... of the mple in the solution. In this study, a camera with a thermoplastic film was used to facilitate $ r cordings of the holographic interferograms of the samples. The camera is HC-300 Thermoplastic ecorder made by Newport Corporation. For more details on procedures of the experiment, the r~ader...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Corrosion97, March 9–14, 1997
Paper Number: NACE-97289
... to facilitate recordings of the holographic interferograms of the samples. For more details on the procedures of the experiment, the reader is encouraged to refer to literature elsewhere. Also, In this study, a commercial potentialstat was used to conduct the cyclic polarization test for determining pitting...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 96, March 24–29, 1996
Paper Number: NACE-96351
..., corrosion data can be obtained from the interpretation of the interferograms of the sample as a function of the elapsed time of the experiments. Also, the open circuit potential of the sample is measured with respect to the interferometric data. Consequently, corrosion current density of Epoxy coated...

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