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Keywords: impedance spectra
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2019, March 24–28, 2019
Paper Number: NACE-2019-12895
... Publication Division texas 77084 stainless steel type 201 formic acid manuscript constituent lactobionic acid impedance spectra 25cr-1mo steel Corrosion of Ferrous Alloys by Organic Compounds in Simulated Bio-Oils Jiheon Jun, Matthew G Frith, Raynella M Connatser, James R Keiser, Michael P Brady...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2007, March 11–15, 2007
Paper Number: NACE-07458
... ABSTRACT A method of de-noising based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) for coulostatically-induced transients (CITs) is presented. This filtering was illustrated with CIT and its associated impedance spectra, and comparisons have been made with wavelet de-noising and FIR method...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2002, April 7–11, 2002
Paper Number: NACE-02526
... testing hour flowline corrosion riser corrosion oxidation corrosion kinetic Subsurface Corrosion nodule oxide Pipeline Corrosion well integrity porous oxide impedance spectra zircaloy-4 sample oxide metal interface oxide film zircaloy-4 alloy zirconium alloy alloy fissure different...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2001, March 11–16, 2001
Paper Number: NACE-01060
... Treatment Inhibitors A and B The Bode representation f EIS data obtained before and after the addition of water soluble corrosion inhibitors A and B are provided in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. The impedance spectra of the uninhibited systems were similar during both tests exhibiting one maximum...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 2000, March 26–31, 2000
Paper Number: NACE-00418
... kinetics of the two electrodes used for the electrochemical noise measurement (ECNM). Comparisons of noise impedance spectra with traditional impedance spectra have been made. Good agreement has been observed for the passive system, but not for the active systems. Comparisons have also been made between R...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 99, April 25–30, 1999
Paper Number: NACE-99195
... data quality psd plot electrochemical noise Mansfeld ENM fluctuation impedance spectra simultaneous collection Noise data passive system similar result electrode Impedance data polarization resistance rp spectral noise plot Ringer Paper No. 195 COMPARISON OF ELECTROCHEMICAL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, March 22–27, 1998
Paper Number: NACE-98319
... metals & mining flowline corrosion Subsurface Corrosion VFAP materials and corrosion Nyquist plot alloy aluminum alloy Pipeline Corrosion well integrity particle alloy 6061 composite Bode magnitude plot riser corrosion effective capacitance impedance spectra semicircle...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, March 22–27, 1998
Paper Number: NACE-98023
... Inhibition impedance spectra statistical analysis interaction equation carbon steel inhibition efficiency flow velocity machine learning Subsurface Corrosion Corrosion Inhibition experiment corrosion product average corrosion rate electrode Paper No. 23 A STATISTICAL APPROACH FOR STUDYING CO...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Corrosion97, March 9–14, 1997
Paper Number: NACE-97412
... water management well integrity Pipeline Corrosion riser corrosion noble direction metals & mining Subsurface Corrosion Reverse Osmosis Plant impedance spectra flowline corrosion materials and corrosion frequency stainless steel alloy high chromium stainless steel Arabian Gulf...

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