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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 99, April 25–30, 1999
Paper Number: NACE-99195
... data quality psd plot electrochemical noise Mansfeld ENM fluctuation impedance spectra simultaneous collection Noise data passive system similar result electrode Impedance data polarization resistance rp spectral noise plot Ringer Paper No. 195 COMPARISON OF ELECTROCHEMICAL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, March 22–27, 1998
Paper Number: NACE-98380
... of electrochemical noise methods (ENM) to examine organic coatings was fwst performed in 1986 by Skerry and Eden. The technique uses the spontaneous voltage and current noise that occurs between two identical coated electrodes in electrolyte immersion to determine resistance properties of the coating as well as low...

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