The enhanced duplex stainless steel S32304 is a recently developed duplex steel grade with enhanced properties; increased strength and improved corrosion resistance. The improvement has been made possible by a combination of modern production technology and a change of the chemical composition within the chemical range of the UNS S32304 standard. The enhanced duplex steel grade S32304 has higher contents of chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen than the traditional S32304. The PREN (Pitting Resistance Equivalent) value is guaranteed to be = 28, as compared to only 26 for the standard S32304 grade. The production process has been verified according to the NORSOK M-650 framework.
This paper describes the results of corrosion properties in the terms of localized corrosion testing according to ASTM G48 (in FeCl3) and G150 (in NaCl) and stress corrosion cracking testing according to G36 (in MgCl2) and G123 (in NaCl). Uniform corrosion testing in different media is illustrated with the critical temperatures, evaluated according to the MTI-1 (G157) method.
The enhanced duplex steel S32304 is an excellent choice in many applications where S32205 is over-specified in regards to corrosion resistance. The improved properties make the enhanced S32304 well suited for optimal designs with respect to strength, reduced maintenance, durability and long-term service. Potential applications for this grade are within structural design, e.g. in the oil and gas industry.